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Sir, I am not the best writer in the world. I also admit that you have done much research and are surely knowledgable regarding the LDS movement. However, it is blatantly obvious in your writings that you have a bias, as do I. I don't need to remind you that in everything you write, you seem to have one goal in mind: to draw readers to the conclusion that the Book of Mormon is false. For instance, the FIRST thing that you write under "Oliver Cowdery" is that, like Joseph Smith, he was a treasure seeker. I do acknowledge that there are sources that confirm that they seeked for treasure with the rods. I onced worked for five months installing security systems. But if someone were to ask my friend about my life, the ABSOLUTE LAST thing out of his mouth would be that I worked with security systems... unless he was trying to persuade someone to believe that I robbed a house. I don't even know why I'm bothering to tell you this; i'm sure you don't care. You will probably still continue in your endeaver to prove the Book of Mormon false. I don't judge you; you're probably a really great person who is full of love. JUST KNOW THIS. As you have, I have also spent COUNTLESS hours reading, studying, researching, and pondering all the anti-Mormon claims and POV's. I have read the works of the Tanners, Tom Kellie, and MANY others. However, I have also looked at the other side of the coin, insomuch that I have read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and did take upon myself the challenge given in Moroni 10:4. Take it from someone who has impartially educated himself on the matter: You need to read It and take the challenge. :) I know you will not be disappointed with the result. I will pray for you tonight, that you will soften your heart. Take care.--Joelechols (talk) 10:47, 3 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Normally, I'd answer only on my talk page, but I did want to welcome you to Wikipedia. I find editing here fun and both more interesting and personally satisfying than doing puzzles or watching TV. If I were you, I'd start with some out-of-the-way article about a topic with which you're very familiar and then work from there to more controversial articles.
All men (especially me) are biased, fallible, and sinful. On Wikipedia, one partial way of compensating for this human fallibility is to demand that information posted be both relevant and based on a reliable source (WP:RS). Your work for a security company would normally not be notable. But it would be highly relevant if you were accused of burglarizing a house. Likewise, as you've admitted, Cowdery had a magical world view before he met Joseph Smith. If Cowdery had gone on to win a seat in Congress or invent the air conditioner, his early practice of magic would be a curiosity. But as a witness to the Book of Mormon, it is of obvious significance.
If I can be of help in any way, please contact me through "E-mail this user." All the best, John Foxe (talk) 15:48, 3 December 2008 (UTC)Reply