CIVIC EDUCATION Teacher: Victor Alabi Date: 23/06/2020 Class: Basic 8 Subject: Civic Education. Topic: The Rule of law. - Definition of the rule of law. The rule of law is the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system. It is also seen as the total predominance or supremacy of ordinary law of the land over all the citizens, no matter his or her status. Professor A.V Dicey from United Kingdom propounded the rule of law in 1885. – The Principles Of The Rule of Law. The following are the principles of the rule of law. 1. Principle of equality 2. Principle of impartiality 3. Principle of individual rights. 4. Supremacy of law. 5. Fair hearing. etc.

Teacher :Victor Alabi

Date : 21/07/20 

Class: Basic 8 Subject : Civic Education Topic: The Rule Of Law (cont)

- Benefit/ Importance Of The Rule Of Law 

The following are the benefits or importance of the rule of law. i. it promotes national unity ii. . it brings economic, social and political development iii. the rule of law protects the equality of all citizens before the law. iv. it gives the country great image abroad. v. the rule of law serves as a legal guide for citizens in relating to themselves.

- Agencies Responsible for For Protecting The Rule Of Law And Human Rights The agencies are as follow; 

i. the Judiciary- court.

ii. human right commission. 

iii. the police .

- Definition of Leadership

 This is the ability to guide or influence people of a particular organisation,community, society 
or country to archive  desired goals.
     - Qualities of a Good Leader.
       A good leader must posses the following qualities.
i.    discipline.                      vi.   dedication
ii.    honesty                         vii.responsibility.
iii.   ability to co-ordinate
iv.   punctuality
v.   integrity
      -  consequences of of Bad Leadership.
        The following are consequences of bad leadership on followers.
i. civil unrest in the polity.

ii. economic hardship. iii. Ioss of authority when follower

    withdraws its support. 

iv. corruption and indiscipline in the


v. lack of patriotism and nationalism on

    the part of the followers. etc.

Date: 8/09/2020 Class: Basic 8 Subject: Civic Education. Topic: Poverty ( cont )

   - Ways Of Alleviating Poverty.
      The following are some of the ways or strategies of solving the problems of poverty.
    i.  free qualitative education: government
        should ensure free universal basic
        education to enable children from
        both poor and rich home to receive
        basic education.
    ii. establishment of skill acquisition
        center: government should create
        more skill or vocational centers for
        less privilege.
   iii. good pay for workers:  restructuring
         better salary scale for workers of low
         grade    levels.
    iv. good saving habits. learn to save for
     v.  establishment of job - generating
           industries and agencies
Date: 16/06/2020. 

Class: Basic 8 Subject: C.R.S Topic :Christian As Salt And Light Of The World( cont)

Matthew 5: 13-16 - Christians as Salt of the world(cont) If Christians refused to performed their duties as Christians, then he or she is like salt which has lost its taste- he or she can not be reclaimed( how shall its saltness be restored?) impossible; he is useless and unprofitable( it is no longer good for anything); and he or she is doomed to ruin and rejection( to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men). Therefore, as a child of God or Christian try to possess good characters and let these good characters preach the gospel to unbeliever. - Christian as Light Of The World. Light is the ray that shown all over places to see hidden things clearly. Christians are also the light of the world. " Your are the light of the world" (Mathew 5:14) The following are some qualities of light. i. it is always welcome. ii. ii. it drives away darkness ii. it shows the true nature of somethings.etc Therefore, Christians are expected : iii. . to lead others to Christ iv. . to drives away the darkness of ignorance and fear. etc read, copy the note a.nd ask me questions

1. Salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite. Salt is present in vast quantities in seawater, where it is the main mineral constituent. 2. Chemically, salt is sodium chloride. It has a vitreous luster, and its color usually ranges from colorless to white, but occasionally it is red, yellow or blue. Among its notable features: it is highly diathermic, plastic, viscous and flows at high pressures. 3. The general theme of Matthew 5:13–16 is promises and expectations, and these expectations follow the promises of the first part. The first verse of this passage introduces the phrase "salt of the earth": You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be salted?


a. find out and state four more qualities Christians must have as salt of the earth. 

b. find out and explain the meaning of light. c. find out and state four qualities Christians must have as light of the world.

Teacher : Victor Alabi 

Date: 23/06/2020 Class: Basic 8 Subject: C.R.S

Topic: Christians as Light of the world (cont) - Christians as light (cont).
iii. Christians as light of the earth are expected to show others an example of how God wants them to live by their own good actions and holy lives. Moreover, as the light of the world, Christians are important in the society and

have an eye on us. Some admire us, commend us etc, while others envy us, hate us etc. But when a Christian makes cannot hide because a lot of people are watching them. “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." All our neighbours up his or her mind to live in the way Christ has ordered. He or she is an example of how to live and behave, and he has equally become the light of the earth. Therefore, as a child of God, before you can be salt and light of the world, you must put all. Jesus' teaching into practice in your own daily life.

Teacher : Victor Alabi Date : 14/07/ 2020 Class : basic 8 Subject : C.R.S Topic : Sermon on the mount- Forgiveness (Matt 6 : 14-15 ) – Definition of forgiveness Forgiveness is pardoning an offender for whatever crime or offence he or she has committed no matter how serious the offence may be. No doubt that everyone who is alive today has sinned and thereby needs forgiveness. We sin against each other and against God. Therefore , we can forgive each other if we humbly beg for forgiveness. However, it is very important to forgive because Jesus taught that God will forgive you only if you forgive others( Matt 6: 14-15). – Conditions for forgiveness, are: a. repentance b. the willingness to make amends. – Importance of forgiveness, are: a. it restores broken relationship b. it maintain our relationship with God. c. it prevents circle of revenge etc. Teacher: Victor Alabi Date: 28/07/20 Class: Basic 8 Subject: C.R.S Topic: Sermon On The Mount: Fasting and Prayer. - Prayer ( Mathew 6: 5-13) *Definition of prayer. Prayer is the act of communicating to God for one's heart desire. Jesus taught on how to pray in Matt 6: 5-13 . The teaching base on the following.

i. He warn the disciples against hypocrisy- the desire to show off 

ii. The key to answer prayer is to do it in secret- go into your room and shut the door and God will hear and answer. iii. Prayer should not consist of vain repetitions- pilling up words upon words, God is not impressed by many words. iv. We pray because, in prayer we show that we agree that have needs and that only God can meet them for us or answer the prayer. v. Finally, Jesus taught the sequences through which prayer must follow. This is called 'The Lord's Prayer'. 'Our Father Who Hath In Heaven, Hallow Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come .etc.

Date : 11/08/20. Subject : CRS Topic : Sermon On The Mount- Fasting and

                 Prayer ( cont ).
  -  The Importance Of Fasting.
   Fasting is very important in the life of a Christian as a result of the following reasons.
  i. it teaches us self- discipline
  ii. it gives us time to pray.
  iii. it helps us appreciate God's gifts
  iv. it reminds us that we can live without      
        depends so much on food.
  -  Sermon On The Mount- Love of  Money( Mathew 6: 19-20)
Money is important because it helps us to  meet some of our  needs.
  When we love money too much to the extend of do anything to get, that when it becomes bad
    Therefore Jesus warns against strongly desiring of things of the world, especially money in Mathew 6:19-20.
Note: read the teaching of Jesus on love of money from your Bible.


PUBERTY: is a short span of time that marks the beginning of sexual maturation. This period differs between boys and girls. Boys generally reach puberty at about the age of 14years, while girls at about the age of 12years.

SIGNS OF PUBERTY IN BOYS 1. Hairs begin to grow on different parts of the body such as the armpit, pubic region, beard around the jaw and a moustache above the upper lip.

2. Voice breaks and becomes deeper 

3. There is change in general body appearance as muscles develop. The boy may need larger and new clothes.

4. Sex organs develop. Sex glands called testicles produce spermatozoa or sperm. 

SIGNS OF PUBERTY IN GIRLS 1. The breast develop 2. The body changes 3. Hair grows on her armpit and pubic region 4. Menstruation starts. 5. There could be skin changes and problem, such as pimples.


Menstruation is the monthly flow of blood from the womb, through the vagina which occurs in every woman of child bearing age. This period is called menstrual period. it takes place after about every 25--30 days.

MENSTRUAL HYGIENE PRACTICE 1. Use good absorbent sanitary pads or towel and pants. These will prevent your clothes from being stained by blood. 2. Change the sanitary pads as often as three times a day to prevent bad odour. 3. Wrap the solid pad in an old news paper. 4. Have frequent baths during menstruation. At list bath twice a day. Have local bath of the vulva area each time you change your pad if possible. 5. Menstruation is not a disease. Therefore carry about your normal activities during your menstrual period. 6. Not using perfume to cover unpleasant odour 7. Applying perfume on clean bodies and clothes.

IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL HYGIENE 1. It helps an individual to cope with such temporary physical conditions as oily skin, and hair, and increase perspiration. 2. It helps to remove body odour 3. It results in better health 4. It gives a more attractive appearance. 5. It gives an individual the confidence needed to be in the company of mates.


1. Daily brushing of the teeth

2. Maintaining clean hair, hands and nails. 

3. Washing hands before eating.


1. The short span of time which marks the beginning of sexual maturation is called



2. The period which lie between the end of childhood and adulthood is called



3. The age of puberty in boys and girls is




5. The unpleasant smell that comes from the body is called body

A. Odour 

B. Perfume C. Smell D. Complex

MEANING OF CONFLICTS A Conflict is a struggle between two or more people who disagree. That struggle may be verbal, physical or both. A family conflict is a struggle between two or more family members who disagree over issues.

CAUSES OF CONFLICTS IN FAMILIES 1. SITUATIONAL CAUSES: situation that dissatisfies people can cause Conflict. For instance, in families,

a. When parent or parents show more love and attention to a child and neglects the other.
b. When a husband fails to gives his wife money for house keep.
c. When children disobey their parents.
2. PERSONALITY DIFFERENCE: No two individual are the same, not even twins. Some people may be slow and quiet, while others could be fast, noisy and outgoing. These different behavioral patterns can bring about conflicts in the family. 

3. POWER STRUGGLES: Conflicts can occur when people feel a need to be in control . Each person will be struggling for power . This can occur between husband and wife. It can also occur between a younger and elder brother or sister. In some cases, a boy might try to show a girl that he is stronger than she.


Conflicts need to be handled or resolved properly. When they are not properly handled, negative results occur. 

1. Negative emotions arise, such as anger, frustration, fear, pain, humiliation, sorrow or bitterness, etc.

2. People who are often angry may become I'll. Conflict causes stress. Stress is often linked to ulcers and heart diseases. 3. People may say things they do not mean in the heart of anger. 4. Relationship suffers. Conflicts can break up friendships and families.

5. Violence may occur. When temper arises with serious arguments, there can be physical attack. Injury or even death can result.

IMPORTANCE GUIDELINES IN CONFLICT RESOLUTION 1. Use words not fists 2. Take a decision to resolute the conflict peacefully. Take charge of the situation. 3. Try to talk in a place other people will not distract you or interfere with your efforts 4. When you talk, take turns. No one person should dominate the talking. Every person must be given a chance to talk.

5. Use active listening and keep an open mind. 

6. Show respect to the other person, recur respect from him/her

7. Control your voice.
8. Speak the truth. 

9. Control your tongue.

FAMILY CRISIS MEANING OF FAMILY CRISIS Family crisis is a situation that marks a turning point, when things cease to go on as usual in the family . Crisis can be challenges. They need to be managed properly.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF FAMILY CRISIS 1. ARRIVAL OF A NEW BORN BABY: The arrival of a new baby is normally a joy to the family but it can also be a sources of crisis. The father may fell neglected as mother turns all her attention to the baby and other children may also fell neglected and become jealous. WAYS OF MANAGING THE CRISIS

A. The family should plan and prepare probably before each new baby arrives

2. CLASHES OF PERSONALITY: Family members differ in their abilities, likes and dislike. They also differ in the way they react to situations. Some are fast while others are slow. However when they disagree seriously there may be clashes in personality. WAYS OF MANAGING THE CRISIS

A. Family should set Family values, life styles, goals and standard. These should be made known to each member, so that they can work together.

3. RELOCATION OF FAMILY: sometimes a family may have to move from the community, town or state where they live to another. They have to get used to their new location. These situations are sources of crisis.


A. have a positive attitude B. Give the new community and people a chance.

4. CHANGE OF JOB/EMPLOYMENT: Many people change jobs several times during their careers. Home maker/wife or mother who was not working before might get a job. Such job related Change can affect a family in a numbers of ways . For instance, it can bring changes in income that requires adjustment and decision about spending. WAYS OF MANAGING THE CRISIS A. Family goals will need to be reviewed and Family members may have to take up responsibilities. 5. DIVORCE: means the break up of a marriage. This is one of the most serious crisis in any family. It is even more serious when children are involved and parents disagree over custody. CUSTODY is the legal responsibility of housing and caring for children . Divorce has a negative effect on husband and wife, children and in-laws. WAYS OF MANAGING THE CRISIS A. parents need to agree on how to help the children B. Children should be allowed to communicate with parents C. Counseling can help. 6. PROBLEMS AT SCHOOL: some children have different problems at schools. Such problems include: examination malpractices, failure in examination, participating in cult activities, suspension and truancy. These create crises in families.


A. Parents should show understanding towards children. B. The causes of the problems must be identified and solutions to the problems must be sought. C. There should be open communication among parents, children and school.


Fish farming or pisciculture This involves the raising of fish commercially in tanks or enclosures usually for food.The most important species in fish farming are catfish,tilapia,salmon and carp.Fish farming can be done extensively or intensively.

  Some of the Terms associated with fish farming 

-- Pond - this is the artificial body of water where fishes are raised. ---Aquarium-An artificial fish pond kept for aesthetic purposes. --Fry- Young or baby fish ---Fingerling--A young fish that has developed to about the size of a finger

Hatchling--- Method of incubating and hatching fish artificially.

---Aqua-cultural-- It is the act of rearing and catching fish in artificially water bodies.

  System of Fishing 

i. Small scale fishing ii.Large scale fishing

Small Scale Fishing 

Small scale fishing involves the use of simple vehicle like canoe and boats or no vehincles at all with fishing tools.The volume of fish caught is small.It is practice by local farmers.The fishing is carried-out in streams,rivulets,ponds and at sea coasts.Little capital is involved

Large scale Fishing

Large scale fishing involves fishing in seas and oceans.The fishing vehiclesare big ships built to stay on the sea for three or four months at a stretch.Large quantities of fish are caught at a time. It requires large capital.

 Fishing methods

The act of catching/harvesting of fish is known as fishing.Fishing methods vary locality to locality. Fishing tools/gears are instrument or tools used for catching fish.

  Fishing tools 
 Fishing tools used by the farmers include:

i.Nets. e.g cast net,seine net,lift net,scoop net,e.t.c. ii.traps.


iv. gourds v.hook and lines

  Fishing nets 

Net fishing is the commonest method of fishing .Most of the nets are made of nylon attached with small weights which enable them to sink in water.


Gourds are used for fishing in shallow waters.Fishing gourds are commonly used in fishing festivals like in the Argungun fishing festival

Hook and Line 

The hook and line is fixed with a sinker.Fish is attracted by the it tries to swallow the bait ,it swallows the hook and the fish is entrapped.


Fishing basket is like the basket used in our homes.It is mostly used in streams and shallow water to catch fishes.


Fishermen use traps to catch fishes in the water.These traps are made of reeds or wire gauze.A bait is normally fixed at one end,this is to lure fishes into the trap.e.gfunnel -entrance trap.

 other types of aquatic organisms as;

There are four classes; a.Aquatic mammals e.g whales, hippopotamus,dolphines and popoises b.Shell fishes.e.g,crabs,lobsters,oysters,shrimps and clans.Shell fishes have no backbone but have exo-skeleton. c.Fishes without bacbones e.g star fish ,jelly fish ,etc. d.Reptiles e.g crocodile,turtle

    Uses of Fish and Fish Product 

i.Fish serve as food for man Fishes provide food for man.i.e Protein. In addition ,sea foods generally have iodine to add to our diet.

ii. Fish as animal feed 
Fish offals and certain fishes not consumed by man are used to produce fish meal,a livestock feed ingredient.

iii. Fish as a source of raw material for local industries Fish bone are used in making glue and fertilizer

iv) Fish is used for aethetic purposes People establish fish ponds in their homes for the fun of experiencing the beauty of nature

Fish as a source of fish oil 

v)Fish oil is a rich source of vitamin B and D.The oils are used in treating vitamin deficiency in adults and children.

vi)Fish as a source of leather The skin of some fishes and other aquatic organisms are used for leather work.The skin of sharks are dried and treated to a type of leather called shagreen.Skins from crocodile and turtles are used to produce leather bags ,belt,wallet and hand bags.

Forest A forest is a large area of land covered with trees and bushes either growing wild or planted for some purpose. Forests however,are different from a land cultivated with fruit trees called Orchard. Forest trees are the trees used for furniture,paper and buildings,etc. Forestry is the branch of agriculture that deals with forest resources.Forest is the science of developing trees.

      Types of forest 

i. Mangrove forest(swampy) ii.Rain forest (many trees) iii.Derived forest (Few trees)

Mangrove forest 

This is a swampy forest which is moody with specialised types of trees.It is found on sheltered coastlines and river deltas. The mangrove forest is the breeding ground for fish,shrimps,prawns,crabs,shell fish and snails.Other animals that can be found are monkeys,lizards,sea turtles and bats.

Rain forest 

They grow near the equator where the climate is warm.

Derived Forest 

This is a vegetation obtained from high forest.The forest develops through cutting and burning of the original high forest and now being maintained as a savanna.Thus, it is characterised by grassland and few trees. Derived forest could be found in warm or hot climates. Animals found in this forest include giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, squirrels, snakes lions, leopards, hyenas and elephants.

 Components of  Forest 

The two major resources or components of a forest are; i.trees ii.animals

Examples of forest trees 

i. Iroko ii. Mahogamy iii. Obeche iv.Afara v.Teak vi. Ebony vii. Omo viii. Fruit trees

Examples of forest animals 

i.Antelopes ii. Monkeys iii.Elephant iv.Gorillas v.Reptiles vi.Rodents vii.Wild pigs viii. Wild ants,e.t.c

ICT(information technology)

Fish farming or pisciculture This involves the raising of fish commercially in tanks or enclosures usually for food.The most important species in fish farming are catfish,tilapia,salmon and carp.Fish farming can be done extensively or intensively.

  Some of the Terms associated with fish farming 

-- Pond - this is the artificial body of water where fishes are raised. ---Aquarium-An artificial fish pond kept for aesthetic purposes. --Fry- Young or baby fish ---Fingerling--A young fish that has developed to about the size of a finger

Hatchling--- Method of incubating and hatching fish artificially.

---Aqua-cultural-- It is the act of rearing and catching fish in artificially water bodies.

  System of Fishing 

i. Small scale fishing ii.Large scale fishing

Small Scale Fishing 

Small scale fishing involves the use of simple vehicle like canoe and boats or no vehincles at all with fishing tools.The volume of fish caught is small.It is practice by local farmers.The fishing is carried-out in streams,rivulets,ponds and at sea coasts.Little capital is involved

Large scale Fishing

Large scale fishing involves fishing in seas and oceans.The fishing vehiclesare big ships built to stay on the sea for three or four months at a stretch.Large quantities of fish are caught at a time. It requires large capital.

 Fishing methods

The act of catching/harvesting of fish is known as fishing.Fishing methods vary locality to locality. Fishing tools/gears are instrument or tools used for catching fish.

  Fishing tools 
 Fishing tools used by the farmers include:

i.Nets. e.g cast net,seine net,lift net,scoop net,e.t.c. ii.traps.


iv. gourds v.hook and lines

  Fishing nets 

Net fishing is the commonest method of fishing .Most of the nets are made of nylon attached with small weights which enable them to sink in water.


Gourds are used for fishing in shallow waters.Fishing gourds are commonly used in fishing festivals like in the Argungun fishing festival

Hook and Line 

The hook and line is fixed with a sinker.Fish is attracted by the it tries to swallow the bait ,it swallows the hook and the fish is entrapped.


Fishing basket is like the basket used in our homes.It is mostly used in streams and shallow water to catch fishes.


Fishermen use traps to catch fishes in the water.These traps are made of reeds or wire gauze.A bait is normally fixed at one end,this is to lure fishes into the trap.e.gfunnel -entrance trap.

 other types of aquatic organisms as;

There are four classes; a.Aquatic mammals e.g whales, hippopotamus,dolphines and popoises b.Shell fishes.e.g,crabs,lobsters,oysters,shrimps and clans.Shell fishes have no backbone but have exo-skeleton. c.Fishes without bacbones e.g star fish ,jelly fish ,etc. d.Reptiles e.g crocodile,turtle

    Uses of Fish and Fish Product 

i.Fish serve as food for man Fishes provide food for man.i.e Protein. In addition ,sea foods generally have iodine to add to our diet.

ii. Fish as animal feed 
Fish offals and certain fishes not consumed by man are used to produce fish meal,a livestock feed ingredient.

iii. Fish as a source of raw material for local industries Fish bone are used in making glue and fertilizer

iv) Fish is used for aethetic purposes People establish fish ponds in their homes for the fun of experiencing the beauty of nature

Fish as a source of fish oil 

v)Fish oil is a rich source of vitamin B and D.The oils are used in treating vitamin deficiency in adults and children.

vi)Fish as a source of leather The skin of some fishes and other aquatic organisms are used for leather work.The skin of sharks are dried and treated to a type of leather called shagreen.Skins from crocodile and turtles are used to produce leather bags ,belt,wallet and hand bags.

Forest A forest is a large area of land covered with trees and bushes either growing wild or planted for some purpose. Forests however,are different from a land cultivated with fruit trees called Orchard. Forest trees are the trees used for furniture,paper and buildings,etc. Forestry is the branch of agriculture that deals with forest resources.Forest is the science of developing trees.

      Types of forest 

i. Mangrove forest(swampy) ii.Rain forest (many trees) iii.Derived forest (Few trees)

Mangrove forest 

This is a swampy forest which is moody with specialised types of trees.It is found on sheltered coastlines and river deltas. The mangrove forest is the breeding ground for fish,shrimps,prawns,crabs,shell fish and snails.Other animals that can be found are monkeys,lizards,sea turtles and bats.

Rain forest 

They grow near the equator where the climate is warm.

Derived Forest 

This is a vegetation obtained from high forest.The forest develops through cutting and burning of the original high forest and now being maintained as a savanna.Thus, it is characterised by grassland and few trees. Derived forest could be found in warm or hot climates. Animals found in this forest include giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, squirrels, snakes lions, leopards, hyenas and elephants.

 Components of  Forest 

The two major resources or components of a forest are; i.trees ii.animals

Examples of forest trees 

i. Iroko ii. Mahogamy iii. Obeche iv.Afara v.Teak vi. Ebony vii. Omo viii. Fruit trees

Examples of forest animals 

i.Antelopes ii. Monkeys iii.Elephant iv.Gorillas v.Reptiles vi.Rodents vii.Wild pigs viii. Wild ants,e.t.c

Music TIME SIGNATURES Time is very important in music and matters a great deal. Time in music refers to the grouping of beats into bars or measures for regular movement of music.

When we want to check time ordinarily, w normally look at our clocks and watches. These are visible objects which show us time. Similarly, to check time in music we look at certain symbols. These symbols are always at the beginning of the staff after the clef sign and the key signature. The symbols are usually figures or ordinary signs. Time signature, therefore refers to the symbol which is used to indicate time in music.

To show time signature in music, two figures are used at the same time, one figure written above the other like fraction, but there are no strokes between the figures since they are not fractions. Examples 3 2. 4

                  2,   4,  4    etc.

Here, the figure on top (numerator) shows the number of beats in each bar of the music while the figure below (denominator) indicates the type of beat or note used in writing the music. The figure below shows the value of the beats in relation to the whole note(semibreve) eg

2 2 means two minim beats in a bar.

4 4 means that there are four crochet beats in a bar

3 8 means that there are three quavers in a bar

TOPIC : MUSICAL FORMS When we talk about forms in music, we are talking about the various designs and patterns that music composers adapt while composing a musical piece. This determines the outcome of the musical piece during performances.

It helps to portray the feelings of the composer to the audience. TYPES OF MUSICAL FORMS

There are various types of of musical forms as follows :

1. Binary form or A B form 2. Ternary or A B A form 3. Rondo or A B A C A form 4. Sonata form 5. Call and response etc

Start a discussion with Jemimah adams

Start a discussion