Bluetooth technology

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Prepared by: Chamil Gunasekera (IT Engineer) - B.Sc(Hons) MIS, M.Sc IT, Pg.D BM - Sri Lanka

1. What is Bluetooth?


A wireless personal area network (WPAN) for short-range transmission of digital voice and data. Using omni directional radio waves, Bluetooth transmits through walls and other non-metal barriers. Although the term is practically synonymous with cell phone headsets and in-vehicle, hands-free telephony, Bluetooth is also used in many other applications, including wireless keyboards, mice and game controllers (for more details, see Bluetooth profiles).

Bluetooth is a method for data communication that uses short-range radiolinks to replace cables between computers and their connected units. Many companies have been mulling over this idea, but it was Ericsson Mobile Communication that finally (in 1994) started the project that was named Bluetooth.

The name comes from ancient King Harald Blatan (Bluetooth in English) of Denmark. Ericsson, a Scandinavian company, first developed the specification and was a co-founder in 1998 of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (, which governs the specification. Bluetooth is also standardized as an IEEE wireless personal area network (see 802.15). See Bluetooth glossary.

2. Bluetooth Specifications


Bluetooth transmits in the same unlicensed 2.4 GHz band as Wi-Fi, but with a different transmission method. It uses frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), which changes its signal randomly to one of 79 channels 1,600 times per second. If there is interference from other devices, transmission continues, but speed is downgraded. However, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) avoids channels that are interfering with other wireless devices. Future versions of Bluetooth are expected to use UWB transmission (see WiMedia Alliance). See spread spectrum.

Wibree - Ultra Low Power (ULP) Bluetooth

In 2007, Nokia's Wibree technology was added to the Bluetooth specification and renamed ULP Bluetooth. Using up to a quarter of the power of Bluetooth at 1 Mbps, Wibree enables sensors, wristwatches and toys with tiny batteries to employ wireless. To use Bluetooth and Wibree at the same time, a dual-mode device is required.

As computerized implementations have grown and become increasingly more common in our environment, there has also been a growing need for cables of varying kinds, to tie all these units together and ensure communication between them. These cables, when they grow into a multitude, are not only unsightly but also increasingly cumbersome to handle, both directly and (even more so) indirectly. Consider this list of drawbacks (below): 1. A tangle of cables 2. Varying standards of cables and connectors 3. Unreliable galvanic connections 4. Need to keep cables and connectors on store 5. Awkward to move computerized units to different locations, as cables might not be long enough 6. Need for manual switches when the number of physical ports are not sufficient for the need at hand 7. Need for re-configuration of units in the operating system when these units are moved, connection-wise.

3. The Aim of "Bluetooth"


The aim has been set quite height. It is to arrive at a specification for a technology that optimizes the usage model of all mobile computing and communications devices, and providing: • Global usage • Voice and data handling • The ability to establish ad-hoc connections • The ability to withstand interference from other sources in open band • Very small size, in order to accommodate integration into variety of devices • Negligible power consumption in comparison to other devices for similar use • An open interface standard • Competitively low cost of all units, as compared to their non-Bluetooth correspondents.

Wibree - Ultra Low Power (ULP) Bluetooth


In 2007, Nokia's Wibree technology was added to the Bluetooth specification and renamed ULP Bluetooth. Using up to a quarter of the power of Bluetooth at 1 Mbps, Wibree enables sensors, wristwatches and toys with tiny batteries to employ wireless. To use Bluetooth and Wibree at the same time, a dual-mode device is required.

4. How Bluetooth could be used in both industry and individuals?


Bluetooth technology/application's impact on both industry and individuals, Practically all computerized equipment normally found in a modern office (and home) which do not use a synchronous communications protocol could be adapted for use with Bluetooth. Check this following list: • Phones and pagers • Modems • LAN access devices • Headsets • Notebook computers • Desktop and handheld computers • Printers • Fax machines • Keyboards • Joysticks Virtually any digital device can be part of the Bluetooth system. Bluetooth radio technology can also provide a universal bridge to existing data networks, a peripheral interface, and a mechanism to form small ad hoc groupings of connected devices, away from fixed network infrastructures. The dynamic connectivity-nature of Bluetooth makes it possible for this system to replace USB, and it is an improvement on Plug-and-Play-systems, where the operating system has to be rebooted for the installation to take effect. A Bluetooth-mouse is already in existence; it was shown at CeBIT in Hannover in February 2000, and more items are on their way.

5. Bluetooth Applications


1. A Bluetooth-mouse could be used at a further distance from a monitor, and while moving about in the room.

2. A Bluetooth-keyboard could be used further away from the monitor. This would reduce eye-strain for persons who are long-sighted. Increasing the distance would also reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor.

3. A Bluetooth-keyboard could also be used to address more than one computer, in a dynamic, switch less manner.

4. Use e-mail while your portable PC is still in the briefcase! When your portable PC receives an e-mail, you'll get an alert on your mobile phone. You can also browse all incoming e-mails and read those you select in the mobile phone's display.

5. A traveling businessman could ask his laptop computer to locate a suitable printer as soon as he enters a hotel lobby, and send a printout to that printer when it has been found, and replied in a positive manner.

6. Cable-less connection to printers and faxes.

7. Cable-less connection to digital cameras and video projectors.

8. Cordless connection from cell phone to hands free headset.

9. Bluetooth interface to office PBX.

10. Dial-up networking and automatic e-mail.

6. Basic Bluetooth functions


The Bluetooth technology is quite complex. This is not so surprising, considering the task it has to handle. It is mainly based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, briefly described at right. Of the 2 network modes described, Bluetooth uses the ad-hoc mode. This means that each station must observe "netiqette" and give all other units fair access to the wireless media. The below diagram shows the main building blocks. With today’s technology, the transmitter/receiver-part for Bluetooth’s requirements could be made as small as a thumbnail (!!), and the antenna could be more or less hidden in the unit, much as it is in mobile telephones. Thus, the connectors in corresponding older units would not be replaced by something of similar dimensions; the transceiver would just "disappear" among other circuits.

7. Competitive Advantages of Bluetooth technology


Bluetooth has been designed to operate in noisy radio frequency environments, and uses a fast acknowledgement and frequency-hopping scheme to make the link robust, communication-wise. Bluetooth radio modules avoid interference from other signals by hopping to a new frequency after transmitting or receiving a packet. Compared with other systems operating in the same frequency band, the Bluetooth radio typically hops faster and uses shorter packets. This is because short packages and fast hopping limit the impact of microwave ovens and other sources of disturbances. Use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) limits the impact of random noise on long-distance links.

Bluetooth is specifically designed to provide low-cost, robust, efficient, high capacity, ad hoc voice and data networking with the following characteristics: 1. 1 Mb/sec. transmission/reception rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth. 2. Fast frequency hopping avoids interference. 3. Adaptive output power minimizes interference. 4. Short data packets maximize capacity during interference. 5. Fast acknowledge allows low coding overhead for links. 6. CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation) voice coding enables operation at high bit-error rates. 7. Flexible packet types supports a wide application range. 8. Relaxed link budget supports low-cost single chip integration. 9. Transmission/reception interface tailored to minimize electric current consumption

Reference Links:


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This Article Prepared by: Infochamil (talk) 12:04, 19 August 2012 (UTC) Chamil Gunasekera Infochamil (talk) 12:04, 19 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

Performance Appraisal Process : Case Study of Virtusa


Author: Chamil Gunasekera - IT Engineer, B.Sc(Hons)MIS, M.Sc in IT, PGD in Business Management - Sri Lanka


This article describe about the performance appraisal process. Performance appraisal the the one of the main function under Human Resource Management. Author describes about the advantages, disadvantages and oppertunities of performance appraisal process.

About the Company

Virtusa is a Sri Lankan software development service based company who is producing software for US and European market. Virtusa have more than 5000 employees. Therefore Virtusa need a proper process to maintain the employee’s increments, promotions and required career related trainings. As a result of that Virtusa currently applying a performance appraisal process among their employees who represents from Tier 0 to Tier 4

Performance Appraisal Process

The Performance Appraisal System (PAR) at virtusa provides reporting managers and leads with an effective tool to evaluate their employees’ work performance and also to help employees improve their work performance. The PAR process can only work if employees, supervisors, and managers understand it.

Here mainly this process continued with the balanced scorecard method. That means each employee will received a score card for every year. This score card includes ratings as below, • Does Not Meet Expectations • Need Improvements • Meet All Exceed Some • Exceed expectations continuously • Outstanding

Below things are the criteria for above mentioned ratings.

An Overall Rating of "Exceeds Expectations" should be given if both of the Significant Performance Categories ("Quality of Work" and "Quantity & Timeliness of Work") have "Exceeds Expectations" ratings.

An Overall Rating of "Does Not Meet Expectations" must be given if one or both of the Significant Performance Categories is rated "Does Not Meet Expectations." Be sure the employee has received an official “Notice to Improve Performance” before you give an Overall Rating of “Does Not Meet Expectations”.

Anyway if the employee performs well, the Overall Rating should be “Meets Expectations.”

When work performance is excellent, it should be acknowledged and recognized. This requires that job expectations and job responsibilities be clearly communicated and understood. When work performance is unacceptable, employees and managers need to talk, to identify what isn’t working and what needs to be done to improve.

Therefore, to provide the framework for promoting continuous improvement, it shall be the policy of the State that:

• The Virtusa’s performance appraisal system will be used to evaluate whether employees meet the performance requirements of their positions and to improve performance. • Reporting managers will evaluate the performance of their civil service employees annually. • The Appointing Authority will inform an employee in writing whenever the employee’s performance is insufficient or sufficient. • When an employee’s performance is insufficient, the employee will be afforded a reasonable period, up to three months, to bring the employee’s performance to a satisfactory level.

Balanced Score Card Method This performance appraisal process would be proceed associated with the balanced scorecard, the balanced score card incudes two main types, those are as below, • Team Score Card – From Client • Individual Score Card – From Project Management

Team Score Card – From Client This is one of the main score card which provides from the company clients. This will handle based on the project level. Basically client provides their feedbacks to the project team based on the client’s satisfactions. This is a kind of a rating process align to the set of parameters. Finally those set of ratings will be calculated as an overall core value. If client provides with the good rating means, which particular project will earns with higher score value. Finally this project score card value will be reflect to the each and every individual’s scorecard as a percentage (i.e. Weight of 20% of the Individual Score Card) who are engaged with that particular project.

Because of that, each and every project team member has to work hard in-order to achieve this client score card. Because it’ll hard to earn a good individual score rating, without having a good client scorecard,  

Therefore this process can be identifying as one of the motivation factor in this organization. Because this will helps to increase employee’s performance as well as the client satisfactions in this organization. Only thing is this PAR feedback process should proceed with the genuine feedbacks as it defines.

Individual Score Card – From Project Management

This score card would be creating based on the different type of parameters, based on the employee’s performance. Here it will provide valuable details to the top management regarding the particular employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore this process will guide employees to understand the organizational needs and wants based on the organization’s objectives, For the employees perspective this process will set the goals and objectives to the employees as individual level, in order to perform during their respective project related work. For the company perspective, this process will help to identify outstanding employees and need improvement employees from the entire employees of the organization. Therefore this process will help to provide next level leadership opportunities or promotions to the outstanding individuals as well as it helps to arrange required training sessions for the employees who need improvements. As a whole, this performance appraisal process will help organization to maintain their expected performance level, align with the organizational goals and objectives. Therefore this PAR process can be identifying as one of the main HR function in the Virtusa Corporation.

Steps of the Complete Performance Appraisal Process Main Description: Scope: This process is applicable for all the team members who are engaging with the particular client’s project. Team scorecard is due when a project closes or when a resource is transitioned out or when a resource moves to different location or when project completes 3 months, whichever is earlier. Entry Criteria: • Team Member's Scorecard is due Exit Criteria: • Distribution of scorecard to HR Verification: • Scorecard is distributed to HR Measures: • Effort for this activity

Steps: Initiate Team Member Self-review: • Request Team member to submit scorecard through the system. Project Manager requests the team member to do a self-review on the provided scorecard. Once the self-review is completed the team member sends back the scorecard to the project manager. Consolidate The Leadership Feedback: • Take feedback from Leadership team. It is recommended to conduct this as a group meeting as oppose to sending individual feedback on mails. Feedback must be provided with clear example behavior and in a constructive way with recommendations for improvement where necessary. Update consolidated rating in the scorecard along with the team member’s individual review. Conduct The Feedback Discussion: • Conduct feedback discussion with Staff member and agree on what is recorded. Both parties must take this as a constructive discussion and where necessary be prepared to adjust ratings when substantial examples are discovered during the meeting • At the end of the meeting both the parties agree on the feedback and sign off the scorecard • In the rare event that a mutual agreement cannot be reached, the reporting manager of the Project Manager (Senior Manager) mediates the discussion

Importance of Performance Feedback

Give lots of feedback to the employee during the monitoring phase. There are two kinds of feedback that can help the employee:

• Praise • Constructive comments

Praise for a job well done encourages the employee. Praise supports the employee's work performance.

Constructive comments show the employee where he/she is having performance problems. They offer ways to correct those problems.

Feedback helps the employee to meet performance expectations/requirements. When feedback guides the employee, it is a useful learning tool. When it includes praise, feedback is supportive. The result is a more confident and competent employee.

Distribute The Finalized Scorecard: • Distribute the finalized scorecard to Delivery leadership and HR.

How to determine the Final overall Rating:

The Final Rating for the Significant Performance Categories will determine the Overall Rating you give your employee. To help you in determining the Final Ratings for the Significant categories, consider:

• The employee's performance during the entire rating period, • The ratings for each of the Fixed categories and any Optional categories, and • Any Supervisor's Discussion Notes or samples of employee's work from the appraisal period

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Current Process

Advantages of the current process • Easy to evaluate employees based on the performance • Easy to handle the promotion cycles • Easy to identify the training needs of each individuals • Easy to set the objectives for each individual by align with the organization goals • Easy to identify the areas that need to improve of each individuals • Easy to identify and measure the client/customer satisfactions • Easy to identify organizational strength and weaknesses • Easy to define organizational strategies based on the entire evaluation cycle

Disadvantages of the current process • If the evaluation process continues with the incorrect evaluation criteria, then it’ll directly affect to the organizations future goals and strategies

• Current process does not represent all the employees since virtusa use lot of shadow resources for their client projects. But client does not aware about those shadow resources, therefore those shadow resources does not have a proper evaluation process.

• Virtusa use lot of intern (Trainee) staff who recruited for their client projects, But those interns employees are not included to the current evaluation process, Because of that those interns are not happy about this evaluation process. Also this will badly effect to the motivation factor of those training staff, since most of the projects highly depends of those intern and shadow resources.

• Most of the times this appraisal process gets delayed due to some feedback delays from the managers and the delays of self-review from the employees. Because of this it will take unnecessary time to promote employees. This is also badly effect to the motivation of talent employees.

Suggestions to improve the current process:

The performance appraisal process (PAR) of Virtusa is a one of their major HR function in this company. Because all of the promotion and training cycles are finalized based on this PAR cycle. Therefore it’s better to solve above mentioned disadvantages in the current PAR process. Also this cycle should represent the overall employees including Interns, shadow resources as well, since all those employees work under Virtusa Corporation. I think it’s better to apply an effective 360 degrees performance appraisal cycle to this company in-order to precede well defined performance appraisal by representing all who are working under virtusa family.


Special Thanks to Virtusa staff/Management, and the FGS department - Univesity of Colombo