If you don’t believe that John Kerry`s two-decade long U.S. Senate record of opposing Second Amendment rights makes him the most anti-gun presidential nominee in history you are not looking at the facts..........

I can understand the flip-flopping. All politicians pander but Kerry. Kerry says he’s Catholic and he would fund abortion with Tax Dollars. I haven’t heard him speak out about Gun control but I would expect either candidate to sell us and their mother out for $100. A liberal Catholic Democrat...

Now I’m a Democrat, because I’m the little guy but I’m not liberal. I’m Catholic and I go to Church on Sunday... I don’t support FETAL STEM CELL RESEARCH or abortion. I am against curtailing constitutional liberties.

Kerry talks about the Deficit and jobs and the economy. I believe these are the number one issues but they are all being sidelined by the war for oil Pregame war game... Never mind the Panara Candy Global crack village problem, Started by the 1950s superpower Arms race for social domination. It just doesn’t matter...

Both Candidates are members of the prestigious and elite Skull and Bones club at Yale. Only 12 members are selected each year from wealthy families in a ponzi scheme to dominate government and business.

Bush wants 4 more wars. SO he can break the back of the American Taxpayer and the military...

I am sick and fed up of this 2 party system where both parties are wrong. It’s just a big game to narrow our choices so we don’t have a choice...

I’m sick of everyone screaming and name calling. Thinking they are all high and mighty and right, when no ones right...

1. We have no economy left.

2. The job market is failing.

3. 25% of Americans have no health insurance.

4. We are being herded like Cattle to a Slaughter house.

5. The FIat currency is a Ponzi scheme. Greenspan said so himself. How it’s existed for 40 years is beyond me and pure speculation on American Currency.

6. Outside of our own country the European Commonwealth is taking over Europe like Hitler in the 1930s. (Euro Dollar.) Bringing on Pure speculation on a Fiat Currency market which is creating worldwide inflation.

7. We are increasingly at war with other countries. Which would just as soon be at war with each other. Why are we wasting resources killing people that would just as happy killing each other.

8. Why are we still pandering to the United Nations Panara Global Crack Village Candy Company. Get out of New York and go move to Germany.

9. The poor condition of our roads and highways has caused a unquenchable thirst for SUVs. This is increasing depleting natural resources.

10. The socialist forces in our country now are totally out of check from Government and at the becking call of the Supreme Court. Who do these people answer to? They don’t answer to the American people, or the government or the church. Than why are they allowed to function?

You call yourself patriots. Libertarians. Whatever. Hold your nose and vote for George if you feel he is Lucifer's seed because whatever you think of W, Kerry is a nothing but a shape shifting liberal with his own agenda. This goes beyond your narrow minded short memory of the war on terrorism. You may live in a stinking liberal haven where Kerry seems like a nice guy just looking out for his constituents.

If I was under his command in Vietnam, I would be thinking long and hard about pushing him overboard. If I was a Vietnam vet, POW who returned to the political climate and traitorous atmosphere he helped to create with his fraudulent speeches and fraudulent pals, I would hope a meteor fell on him.

As a gun owner with Kerry as President, we are 1 executive order away from the most sweeping anti-gun environment ever. We will be hoping Ted Kennedy hits him with his deadly automobile in a drunken stupor.

Kerry accuses the government of creative an environment of fear. Osama did that all by himself. I can't respect a man like Kerry who creates an atmosphere of fear and loathing about his own countrymen, gun owners, soldiers, politicians and campaigns to the world audience who have about as much interest in American success, defense.

I will be glad come November 3 this entire BS will be gone.

My 2 Cents