super smooth legs:shaving tips


1.apply a smooth lotion (sented or non,it dosent matter) 2.put a on a new blade,or use a new disposable razor 3.carefully,shave a fourth of one leg 4.take a tissue and clean-out the blade 5.repeat step 3 6.repeat step 4 7.repeat step 3 8.repeat step 4 9.repeat step 3 10.repeat step 4 (each time shaving a different section of your leg) the same lotion 12.repeat steps 1-11 on other leg _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                             TIPS & FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS

DO NOT shave like this in wont work! Do be sitting down...less chance of cutting legs! Do tell every one about this super smooth shaving secret...tell them gh or general-hospital-girl told you! DO NOT skip a step! DO repeat as nesisary(as hair grows back. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ you can do the same thing on your under-arms! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________~~ghg~~