Online Cooking, LLC. was originally founded back in late 2003. Back then there were a few articles here and there, recipes compiled from founder Paul Rinehart's culinary school notebooks and a couple submissions. Then people started coming, a first, it was fairly slow, Paul often jokes about when a hundred page views was a good day, now the site boasts over 300,000 page views and counting per month.

It was an experiment, to see what people liked, what people would read, features people would use, this eventually lead to today's model, With some seed money, Online Cooking entered the business world when it incorporated in 2005. A few more things have been added since then such as homemade cooking shows.

"The site would not be doing this well," says founder Paul Rinehart, "if it weren't for my readers and the people who submit content." "I take content and basically promote it, people love to see their name in print and the least I can do is put it there and help put a smile on an author's face."