Mealy Amazon


Thanks for contribution with a photo a your Mealy. I got a photo of a pair in a zoo, but they were asleep at the time with their heads under their wings. Can you get a photo that shows its size, perhaps next to something that has a standard size. Snowman (talk) 11:43, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

looking for blue-crowns


Greetings! I have three blue-crowned amazons, a bonded pair and a single female, and they are true Guatemalans. I am trying to find a mate for the female, and every single time I find someone advertising a blue-crown amazon it ALWAYS turns out that what they really have are Costa Rican mealies. Does the bird in the picture belong to you? Do you breed them, or might you know where I might find a mate for the single female I have? If so, are you in the USA? Thanks! Greengems (talk) 06:17, 25 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yes, he's my bird


Hello All. I haven’t browsed this page in a long time. It’s nice to see that I’m not the only one with a blue-crowned mealy. No, I don’t breed him. He's just a pet.

The blue-crowned mealy doesn’t seem to be a very popular bird. I’ve met only one other person who has one. I guess that’s because they are not very good talkers or very colorful. That’s too bad because my mealy has a wonderfully outgoing personality. He loves making new friends. While he doesn’t say anything other than “hello,” he has an enormous repertoire of whistles, jungle noises, and various other bird sounds. He is extremely chatty, despite not knowing English. My mealy has a specific sound for every mood, situation, like/dislike, time of day, greeting, etc. He’s a great companion.

I’ve got loads of pictures, and I’ll post some more soon. It’s a little hard to take a picture that shows both the mealy texture of the feathers as well as the blue crown. The current picture was an accidental shot taken just as he turned around to scratch his feathers. It's really a great picture, except for the junk in the background. I've taken 100's of pictures, but I have never gotten another single photo that shows the blue-crowned mealy’s features so well.

As far as showing his size, I’ll think of something. He’s definitely a large bird compared to the other Amazons.

Eightball38 (talk) 18:12, 2 July 2008 (UTC)Reply