DR VIKAS SINGH a person age 26+, working in a corporate hospital for last 1.5 yrs as a consultant physician. a very social person, but his corporate is about to spoil that social activities. a very committed and devotional person for friends. completed his BHMS from Lucknow and now residing in Delhi.

Personal Life & Carreer - Did his BHMS from Lucknow (NHMC) college, and soon started working with dr batra's esteemed organisation. was a average or below average scholar in his school days, but with time understood the responsibility and took the studies seriously. at personal front he is a extrovert, social and very friendly atleast at first meeting. he very easily get attached with new people. had a large group of friends few of them are here -- manish, baburam, sunil, sharad, hemu, vivek, ruchita, ratnesh and a lot.. please don't mind if your name is not here.

Drsvikas (talk) 04:59, 8 July 2008 (UTC)Reply