Dmcki002 Peer Review


The two objects fit well together, however I find a lot of the work is not sourced. I see it as your writing in somewhat from a bias point of view as you claim one does not realize or when u make comments about what someone thinks. Next, you do give a great explanation a walk through of the two objects being presented. The two sources provided I do view as creditable and also very modern which is a good thing. Also both objects are very relevant to your topic. Overall, I think your over representing from a certain point of view and underrepresented another point of view. I would like to see some sources that back why u think the viewers you mention perceived the mannequin a certain way. Finally, I really like how both objects chosen are so different, but as you point out both objects convey a sense of mystery. Your article also has Minor spelling errors, I just recommend you re-read and possibly add an extra source or two instead of one per object.

Great work, really enjoyed reviewing your article