Hi ! .. welcome to the valve audio amplifier article !

FYI this page has been the subject of a lot of long running and bitter arguments in the past, arguments that have left the page very neglected. I and some others are now making a concerted effort to sort the page out, which is why you see a huge number of edits recently. Amoung other things we have tried to re-structure the page to make more sense (we hope) and then to remove a lot of duplication and correct some misleadin text, as well as expanding it.

Help from extra people is VERY WELCOME and appreciated. I thik the page will be better if it reflects the efforts of many editors. Please help and edit this page as you like, very welcome ! regards, tubenutdave 14:18, 6 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

ok well you can tell me what you have in mind. BTW I noticed there is already a page on guitar amplifiers!--DarkFuture 14:21, 6 February 2007 (UTC)Reply
Also i dont know much about tube amps as such, only transistor ones, so Im hoping you will correct me I I make mistakes .