Editor: Ezra

1. What does the article (or section) do well?

I like the brevity of it. Given that this is a very specific concept/topic, I think keeping it short is a good choice.

2. What changes would you suggest overall?

I think you should first consider who the target audience of this page is. Once you know who it is, I think a lot could be gained from structuring the page to cater to that audience. For example, information such as, what the absorption coefficient curve is plotted against (photon energy?) and how temperature dependence works (more detail or explain the given terms much more). Additionally, it looks like some of the pages you linked to aren't relevant? For example "optical band (edge)" linked to a page on fiber optics cables. Something else to consider is adding citations if you have any (I haven't added any yet myself).

3. What is the most important thing that the author could do to improve his/her contribution?

I think, once you know who your intended audience is, the most important thing to do is to make sure your language is very accessible to them. If necessary, you can replace the technical terms with dumbed down versions (6th grade reading level, even if it isn't something a sixth grade would study).

4. Did you glean anything from your classmate's work that could be applicable to your own? If so, let him/her know!

I think your brevity/direct approach to the content is good, and I need to figure out how to do that.

Editor: Pranav

1. The article does a very good job of introducing the topic, especially with the links to other, related Wiki pages in the intro. The equations are also well explained so that it is clear what they represent and how they are used.

2. One change I would recommend is being a little more descriptive in the introduction instead of depending on the external links (maybe including a diagram of the absorption coefficient curve and demonstrating where the Urbach tail occurs on the diagram). Also, albeit minor, there are some grammatical/spelling issues (e.g. “absorption” in the first line).

3. I think the most important thing would be to add more information, especially about what the Urbach tail means, or what it’s used for.