D E Jo
File:D e s.jpg
In-universe information

D E Jo


>DE Jo yahoo profile<

This page is a character reference to my RP character Jo.

Character is a fighting based character,T1; There's no rules just that you PM me with an A/S/L and I will annihilate your ass. ^-^ Multi/Para/Semi. One-line is okay also. .__.;;



There was an ancient people once called Cadub. The city was a utopia of places and guarded by a Goddess with name hasn’t yet to be discovered. The goddess herself could not within all emotion and actions of the people of Cadub and decided to split her elements into young babies. 6 females that were born that emerged as part of the Goddess and was designed be guardian of Cadub. The people called them Burst Angels, each one processed a power to keep balanced within the city. Though one day when the angel known was Vex decided to overtake her sisters. Vex was the guardian of warfare, designed for battle only 3 of her remaining sisters could hold her off. Though between that time, Vex destroyed the utopia and many people had been murdered. Chaos broke loose and all of humanity was lost. People forgot the kinder ways of life and became violent, stealing, and raping. 20 years flew by, Vex had taken over most of the eastern world and it seemed hopeless to regain control but in a moment of weakness, Vex was strike down. When her sisters finally got control over her it was almost to late and no punishment was limited or to extreme for her. Though the love they had for her forced them to seek a more moral consequence, they imprisoned her spirit under a cursed tablet along with the city’s ruins. Vex resentfully fought in her captivity with anger and darkness that the ruins soon blackened. Years went by, the place was soon called the Dead City due to it’s eeriness and dark comings of crows and fog. People often heard screaming and stones breaking. Vex’s spirit became dormant until scientists dug up the landmark releasing her. Though that was documented, many believed it to be hoist and ignore the discovery. Soon she hunted for a being strong enough to with stand her anger and start again the rain of chaos. Disappointed, the spirit could find no human body to be its host, it subsided within a wohm of a female fetus until birth.

Feburary 6th, 1976


The baby weigh 6 pounds and 7 ounces, a healthy baby girl so it seemed but she would not cry. The mother was young and planned to give the child to an orphanage as soon as possible. Doctors imminently noticed a faded lining of marking on the child’s arm. Since the baby was already put to the adoption files the hospital sent her to a laboratory for testing. No major results or findings came from any of the testing, they simply categorized her markings as a skin condition. Giving her the name ‘Jo’ she was sent to an orphanage in Silan at the age 10. There is met mother Elizabeth and a few other kids. Often when she slept, she dreamt, dreamt of nightmare like dreams of screaming and, as she describe, a war. Waking up with holes in the walls, many of the children feared her and some adults did so also. She lived there for awhile, almost normal until she hit puberty. The markings on her arm became more dark and clear and often mistaken for tattoos. The truth of the tattoos wasn’t recognized until a boy about 3 years older tried to molest her. In a stroke of anger the markings ignited and left the boy paralyzed. Though what truly happen is still mystery to others and Jo seem to deny any of it. It wasn’t till late January when the snow isolated the orphanage and caused a great conflict. A group of outlaws broke into the school for refuge, Elizabeth normally allowed the needy to stay but the storage was low and communication to the outer world was limited if something were to happen. The group took the respond hastily and took over the place. It angered Jo, but for the next 2 months she learned the ability to defend herself, self taught and with a little help Vex‘s abilities were shinning through. . One of the group’s men, Jared, taught her to shoot. Though he was a pedophile, his intentions were demonic and soon his corpse was found in the schools playground. Taking his duel D.E pistols as a gift for herself. Some called her a ‘freak’ and the others just stayed away from her when found out what she had done. It was obvious she was anti-social and maybe even shy because of this. When the winter faded away and the orphanage got back to normal Jo ran away. Escaping to the outer world, it was an experience. She soon found herself in a mist of violence and fighting as often as she could. Living like rat, hanging out with the troubled underground world. She was often called upon to get rid of competition. It slowly help her develop most of her skill and gave her an insight of the cut throat business. The people gave her the nickname of ‘D E Jo‘, some called her ‘Red Eyes’.



She's often dressed in cut chaps and a backless top. Noticeably her tattoos are reveal often a shade of bright red and at times a black. Red boots and gloves, holsters at her thigh side along with a pair of D.E pistols that alternate from silver to dark. Jo may come off with a strong sense of self when speaking. Her attitude and opinions are high and when defied against, she tends to get defensive which may cause a lot of the fights she gets involved in. Though stronger now, the spirit within her often fights to be released, causing random outburst of rage and anger. Continously Jo fights this by isolating herself or going into battle. Her final stage of battle is often called Vex since it's the spirit returning in Jo's body. She's in the field of the 'Hitman' and 'Get Backers' sort of business. Often referred to as 'missions'. DarkEden She's now an Eden Kid, recruited by Nef.