Hello! (talk) 13:01, 9 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Review of translation of "Hivernales d'Avignon"


Hi! I've looked at your translation and I have a few suggestions to it :-)

mois de février: I would just translate this into "February" (so without "the month of")

Plural: showings meetings

s'est installé: I think "has set up" sounds strange, but I actually don't have any better suggestion (sorry :) )

Cette manifestation fondée par Amélie Grand, est passée depuis le 1er septembre 2009 sous le direction d'Emmanuel Serafini: I think your translation of this is good, so this is just a suggestion to a translation, which is closer to construction of the source text: This show, created/founded by Amélie Grand, has since September 1 2009, been under the direction of Emmanuel Serafini.

in Avignon as much as in the Vaucluse and the surrounding area.

numerous cultural places in Avignon and Vaucluse I would leave out "in the" Vaucluse.

And then just one thing about the layout: I think you should put the references from the French version into your translation as well .

I hope my suggestions are okay :-) Line Line5031 (talk) 11:36, 13 April 2016 (UTC)Reply



Hello Ccoos, I have read your translation about Jean Hollenfeltz. It seems very good to me, but I have some suggestions that you are free to take into account or not.

The first one is about the dates. I think you should say "On August the 25th of 1898" or "On the 25th of August in/of 1898".

In the sengentence where you talk about the Germans, I think you forgot to put the "s" to "Germans".

You also forgot to put the "s" at "treats" in "Jean Hollenfeltz treats".

I hope my suggestions will be useful to you. Laeti53 (talk) 16:42, 13 April 2016 (UTC)Reply