One day I was in Language class with my friend Ryker. Our teacher wanted us to find a famous quote and write about it, and how it relates to our lives. So, for inspiration I went and looked up some stuff that Tom Brady said. I am a very athletic kid and sports hits me on another level and I can't live without them. I found a quote he said and it really made so much sense and effected me very deeply. Brady said, "A lot of times I find that people are blessed with the most talent don’t ever develop that attitude, and the ones that aren’t blessed in that way are the most competitive and have the biggest heart." This statement made me come to realize the people are selfish and also selfless. Whether you're either one, there is always more to learn and teach. Thinking about this made me think of my own quote. "Those who are talented waste their gifts if they are not coachable and Selfless." My friend helped me word it. In a way, I've lived my life by this saying knowing I had not even discovered it yet. Every single athlete out there should read this and ponder about how they can improve or enhance their gifts and learn more.

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