

Regarding your revisions to Mido (footballer) the abuse he suffered (whether it was intended that way by the Newcastle fans or not) was widely reported in the media and by club fans as being racist. Threats of legal action are not going to work unless legal action was taken against every single media outlet that reported it, from the BBC to Sky Sports to The Guardian with its article referenced in the link. If the FA investigation through its investigation found that nothing was wrong, then that would duly be reported in the article as well. --Simmo676 11:13, 25 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Not mentioning "all the facts" relating to previous cases is not a reason for removing a current case. Middlesbrough FC did decide not to take it further, but following that, it was the FA who said they would investigate. Now, a fair bit of time has passed admittedly, and nothing has happened, but I've not seen anywhere that says the FA has chose not to take action. If you could provide a link to something like that I would be only too happy to include that as a fact. Could you also tell me where you reported it to Wiki, as there are methods for resolving disputes here.
Also, I see here that they did retract the allegation that it was made by someone from your fanzine. Maybe changing the reference to one from The Telegraph or The Times or Reuters would be more suitable, if there are no allegations against their reporting? I changed it to the Telegraph source and also changed it to "some" Newcastle fans and "reportedly".
I also find the suggestion that I have an agenda against Newcastle fans insulting and hope it wasn't meant seriously. May I also point out that I did not write the original inclusion of the text. --Simmo676 11:59, 25 September 2007 (UTC)Reply