Prisoners in Afghanistan's Pul-e-Charki prison


I am planning to start translations to Norwegian, of some of the articles about prisoners listed below, including Prisoners at Pul-e-Charki's D-block.-- (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Prisoners, as of 2010


(Norwegian search)/Ali,S; (Norwegian search)/Albkri,A; (Norwegian search)/Dawood ,M; (Norwegian search)/Dilshad,A; (Norwegian search)/Farooq,G; (Norwegian search)/Fezzani ,M; (Norwegian search)/Gul,L; (Norwegian search)/Gul,M; (Norwegian search)/Gulab,S; (Norwegian search)/Jalatzai,S; (Norwegian search)/Jalatzai,S; (Norwegian search)/Jan,A; (Norwegian search)/Kadir,K; (Norwegian search)/Karim,F; (Norwegian search)/Khail,H; (Norwegian search)/Khan,A; (Norwegian search)/Khan,P; (Norwegian search)/al-Maqaleh,F; (Norwegian search)/Mohammed,G; (Norwegian search)/al-Najar,R; (Norwegian search)/Qabil; Qalam (Bagram detainee) (Norwegian search)/Rahman,Z; (Norwegian search)/Raiz; (Norwegian search)/Rohullah ; (Norwegian search)/Wazir; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Prisoners, as of September 2009


Current prisoners in USA (after being transferred from Bagram-prison)


(Norwegian search)/Azar,R; (Norwegian search)/Siddiqui,A; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Status in question


(Norwegian search)/Ismatullah; (Norwegian search)/Khan,S; (Norwegian search)/Siddiqui,S; : (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Current prisoners of Block D, Pul-e-Charkhi prison


(After being transferred from Guantanamo)


(Norwegian search)/Nasir,A; (Norwegian search)/Sharif,M; (Norwegian search)/Yacoub,M; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

(After being transferred from Bagram)


(Norwegian search)/Ruzatullah (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Current Guantanamo-prisoners (after being transferred from Bagram-prison)


(Norwegian search)/Ahmed,F; (Norwegian search)/al-Bihani,T (Norwegian search)/al-Darbi,A (Norwegian search)/Fazil,M (Norwegian search)/Haidel,M (Norwegian search)/Hakim,A (Norwegian search)/Hassan,E (Norwegian search)/al-Hilal,A (Norwegian search)/al-Kandari,F
(Norwegian search)/Omar Khadr (Norwegian search)/al-Khalaqi,A (Norwegian search)/Obaydullah (Norwegian search)/Ourgy,A (Norwegian search)/Paracha,S (Norwegian search)/al-Quwari,M (Norwegian search)/al-Sawah,T (Norwegian search)/Slahi,M (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Prisoners who died at Bagram


(Norwegian search)/Dilawar
(Comment: Norwegian wikipedia does show a drawing depicting Dilawar, in the article,no:Bagram Theater Internment Facility#Overgrep og tortur. )
(Norwegian search)/Habibullah (Norwegian search)/Abdul Wahid (torture victim) (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply



(Norwegian search)/al-Faruq,O; (Norwegian search)/al-Kahtani,M (Norwegian search)/al-Libi,A; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Former prisoners

Prisoners who died at Guantanamo (after being transferred from Bagram-prison)

(Norwegian search)/Gul,A (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Former Guantanamo-prisoners (after being transferred from Bagram-prison)


(Norwegian search)/Ahmad,O.;(Norwegian search)/al-Asmr,K.; (Norwegian search)/al-Azmi,S; (Norwegian search)/Begg,M; (Norwegian search)/Belmar,R; (Norwegian search)/Boucetta,F; (Norwegian search)/Deghayes,O; (Norwegian search)/Dergoul,T; (Norwegian search)/Esmhatulla,Q; (Norwegian search)/Ghaffar,A; (Norwegian search)/Ghalib,H; (Norwegian search)/al-Haf,R; (Norwegian search)/Hamad,A; (Norwegian search)/al-Harbi,G; (Norwegian search)/Iqbal,M; (Norwegian search)/Jabbarov,O; (Norwegian search)/Janko,A; (Norwegian search)/Jawad,M; (Norwegian search)/Khamsan,K; (Norwegian search)/Jawad,M; (Norwegian search)/Khan,A; (Norwegian search)/Khan,K; (Norwegian search)/Khan,Sh.; (Norwegian search)/Khan,Sw.; (Norwegian search)/Khantumani,A; (Norwegian search)/Khowlan,A; (Norwegian search)/Lagha,L; (Norwegian search)/Memon,S; (Norwegian search)/Mizouz,M (Norwegian search)/Mohammad,M; (Norwegian search)/Mohammed,T; (Norwegian search)/Muhebullah; (Norwegian search)/Naqeebyllah,S; (Norwegian search)/bin-Naseer,M; (Norwegian search)/Parkhudin; (Norwegian search)/Rahim,A; (Norwegian search)/Sadiqi,A; (Norwegian search)/Shah,Z; (Norwegian search)/Sharbat; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
Former Pol-e-Charkhi-prisoners (after being transferred from Guantanamo and Bagram-prison)

(Norwegian search)/Wakil,S; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Other former prisoners


(Norwegian search)/Ahmad,J; (Norwegian search)/Amanullah; (Norwegian search)/Amir,S; (Norwegian search)/Azzimuddin; (Norwegian search)/Bashmilah,M; (Norwegian search)/Baz,J; (Norwegian search)/Hamidullah; (Norwegian search)/Hayatullah; (Norwegian search)/Jabar,A; (Norwegian search)/Jangvi,G;
(Deletion debate)/Binyam Mohamed

(Comment:The Norwegian article was deleted after administrators closed the deletion-debate after 2 days and 2 hours. Maybe we are wrong for having the article, IMIO.)

Article in Norwegian/W.Muttawakil
(Norwegian search)/Saidi,L; (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Deleted from wikipedia in Norwegian; notability


Has any of these subjects had their articles deleted on wikipedia Norwegian?

Wiki-Norway might not have any presedence for gauging the notability of "unlawful combatants".

I am not even sure if that wiki has any written rules about "unlawful combatants" and/or about prisoners. (They do however vote from time to time about articles about different prisoners, and some such as the one about bin-Laden's chauffer (Binyamin Mohammad?)) have been deleted. So that wiki does seem to have some sort of presedence-by-deletion rather than written guidelines. (talk) 07:29, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
Some may have been deleted. I vaguely remember something about that. But this really isn't the right place to inquire. You may want to trythe Norwegian WP Embassy. I'm really not knowledgeable regarding this subject. Asav | Talk(Member of the OTRS Volunteer Response Team) 07:34, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Suggested translation


"På 15. januar 2010 så offentliggjorde USAs forsvarsdepartement en liste over fanger ved Bagram Theater Internment Facility som inkluderte navnet Salah Mohammad Ali[1][2][3]

Det var 645 navn på listen, datert 22 September 2009 – tekst var tilsynelatende blitt svartsladdet.[4] I følge historikeren Andy Worthington, forfatteren av The Guantanamo Files, så er Salah Mohammad Ali en pakistaner som vokste opp i «Persian Gulf states», og bodde i Doha,Quatar.[5]

Worthington skrev at han ble tatt til fange i Irak i 2004, og at fangenskapet hans ved Bagram ble først kjent i 2005, fra rømlingen Abu Yahya al-Libi.

Menneskerettighetsorganisasjonen Reprieve har sagt at Britiske ISAF-soldaters tilfangetagelse av Ali, taler i mot britiske myndigheters benektelse av sammarbeide med «extraordinary rendition»-opplegget til USA.[6]

Reprieve hevder at hans mentale tilstande of fysiske form er catastrophic, etter å ha blitt mishandlet av briter og personer fra USA som har holdt ham fanget." — Preceding unsignedcomment added by (talk) 08:11, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Abdul Ahmad


"Abdul Ahmad er en afghansk statsborger som er fengslet uten lov og dom etter å ha blitt overført fra Guantanamobukta-fangeleiren til en USA-styrt avdeling av det afghanske fengseletPul-e-Tsjarki.[7][8]

Han ble tatt til fange i Afghanistan i mars 2003 og overført til afghansk fengsel på 28. september 2007.[9]"-- (talk) 08:40, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

This is a user page. It really isn't the right place for sandbox translations. Again, this is not my field at all. Please inquire at the Embassy on the Norwegian Wikipedia. I gave you the address above. Asav | Talk (Member of the OTRS Volunteer Response Team) 08:43, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
That might be difficult since my (shared with a few thousand other users)ip-address has been blocked on wiki-Norwegian, after I created the articles about Abdul Ahmad and Salah Mohammad Ali. My ip-address has been sentenced to 1 year of "hard time" (and my ip-address will not even catch the nextNobel Peace Prize in freedom, as things look).-- (talk) 09:14, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
I have requested a CU on the IP-address atWikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Sju hav. - 4ing (talk) 10:10, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
I am glad to hear that. It will be good to clear up any misunderstandings.-- (talk) 10:19, 12 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^«This may be the man identified by Abu Yahya al-Libi (an al-Qaeda member who escaped from Bagram in July 2005) as Salah Din al-Bakistani, who lived in Doha, Qatar. According to al-Libi, he was seized in Iraq in 2004, and was apparently held in Abu Ghraib and another “torture prison»
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ «We have not been able to positively identify the second man, although our interviews with other released Bagram prisoners have gleaned some facts about him. He is apparently known as “Salahuddin”. Significantly, he was brought up in the Gulf states (where the primary language is Arabic). "Salahuddin" has not been able to contact his family or even reassure them that he is alive. Reprieve has been told by multiple sources that as a result of his abuse in UK and US custody, "Salahuddin" is in catastrophic mental and physical shape, and now spends most of his time in the mental health cells at Bagram.»
  7. ^
  8. ^ «CCR attorney Pardiss Kebriaei traveled to Kabul to follow the situation of Guantánamo prisoners being returned to Afghanistan. Since April 2007, all such prisoners have been sent to a U.S.-built detention facility within the Soviet era Pule-charkhi prison located outside Kabul.»
  9. ^