Your edit, while it may have been helpful, was reverted due to improper coding. In the future, please ensure that you understand the markup and check your code for possible errors. You are invited to try and edit Film score again, once you have ensured you have the correct code. You may also want to preview edits before saving them. Thank you. -RadicalOne---Contact Me 19:31, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Your edits were certainly helpful, it's just that they were coded improperly. To see why, check this differential edit here. Notice how all the scores are listed like this:
*''[[Title of film article|Film title]]'' (Composer)
The breakdown is as follows: The "*" denotes a list item; it is represented like this:
  • Text
It keeps each score on its own line. The two apostrophes denote italics, coded for by ''apostrophe pairs on either side of the text''.
The [[ and ]] enclose a link to another article; in this case the film. As film articles tend to be titled things like "Name (Year Film)", a piped link is used here. What is before the syntax character "|" is the article title, and the text after is the displayed text. So, for example, the code
[[User:RadicalOne|RadicalOne]] would link to my user page ("User:RadicalOne"), but display as simply "RadicalOne", like this:
So, in short, the table of code segments is as follows:
Code Function
* Creates a "bullet" in a list
'' Opens the italics; everything from here is italic
[[ Opens a link; everything from here is part of it
| Separates the two halves of the piped link, as outlined above
]] Closes the link; no text after this will be linked, unless another link begins
'' Closes the italics; no further text will be italicized without more apostrophe pairs

As an example, your addition of the score to the Planet of the Apes - certainly a useful addition - would be coded like this:
*''[[Planet of the Apes (1968 film)|Planet of the Apes]]'' (Jerry Goldsmith)
and would display like this:

  • Planet of the Apes (Jerry Goldsmith)
    A complete guide to the code - "Wikimarkup", as it is called, can be found here. Once you understand the coding necessary for your edits, please by all means go and try again. (You may also want to preview before saving; for that, click "Show preview".) Thank you.

-RadicalOne---Contact Me 15:55, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply