User talk:Anonymiss Madchen/Mentioning that Nazi women got what they deserved (Talk:Rape during the occupation of Germany)

Mentioning that Nazi women got what they deserved


Is there a good section to put this in, or would a new section be necessary? I'm trying to think of a good way to put it into the article. I think that such information would be very important to include, because it would separate the true victims from those who were punished for taking part in, or allowing the Holocaust to occur. Failing to include such information would be very inappropriate, and would result in the appearance or implication that the Nazis were victims. The vast majority of Germans knew about the Holocaust, but it appears that they didn't because they didn't care.Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution. I can't see any reason why Nazis who committed the Holocaust didn't deserve to be punished.

EDIT: It is also important to include that I do not consider all Germans to be Nazis; many of the Germans who were raped by the Russians were victims of genocide.

--Anonymiss Madchen 02:25, 27 June 2011 (UTC)Reply
I am not sure that the vast majority of Germans knew about the Holocaust, I would say, the opposite was more correct. However, according to the memoirs, some German woman admitted that their husbands hardly behaved better in the East than the Soviet troops behaved in Germany. In any event, I do not understand what do you mean under "Nazi woman" (the female members of the NSDAP?), and I do not think we have to separate Nazi woman from other German woman.--Paul Siebert (talk) 02:58, 27 June 2011 (UTC)Reply
I don't understand how any Germans could not know about the Holocaust, though I know there were some. (Shadow Divers, Neurerberg openly criticizing a Nazi party officer for being Antisemitic.) How could most Germans not know, when the Jews were being rounded up in their own country, and the Germans who lived near concentration camps could smell the camps and saw hair and bone fragments raining onto the towns?
By Nazi woman, I mean any woman who was a member of the Nazi party, or who had knowledge of the Holocaust, but didn't do anything to stop it; silence is consent.
--Anonymiss Madchen 03:59, 27 June 2011 (UTC)Reply