AnomieBOT is not a human editor.
It is a computer program (a bot) that makes repetitive edits that would be extremely tedious for a human to do manually.
- If you are here because you think AnomieBOT added {{citation needed}} or another maintenance tag to an article, please check again. AnomieBOT only added the current date to a maintenance tag added by another editor in a previous edit.
- If you are here because you think AnomieBOT III deleted an article, please check again. AnomieBOT III deletes redirects when someone else deletes the article the redirect pointed to, and you almost certainly want to talk to that person instead.
- If you are here because AnomieBOT added {{old AfD multi}} when the old AfD was about a different person with the same name, just remove it. The bot has no way to tell whether it's the same person or a different one.
- If you are here because AnomieBOT did something wrong when substituting a template, bring it up on the template talk page instead. The problem is almost certainly with the template's output when substed, not the bot.