Mainstreet poll


Hi there!

Looks to me like the scribed link you have has all the info for the Mainstreet poll.

To insert a poll in to the table we need:

1) Field dates, 2) Sample size, 3) Methodology, 4) Decided/leaning vote total for at least top 2 parties, 5) MoE [can maybe put in without margin of error listed, but it will almost always be listed along with the sample size anyway).

Welcome to Wikipedia! Mikemikem (talk) 21:49, 6 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Mike for your support. I've added it and added to the changelog on the Federal election Wiki page!

Hello, there doesn't seem to be a public release from Ipolitics for the poll you posted today, copyrighted/paywalled polls are not allowed on Wikipedia. Apologies in advance if there actually is one and I didn't see it. Welcome to Wikipedia! NorthNorthSalt (talk) 21:11, 6 October 2019 (ET)

Please see -this info is publicly available there now