Fritz Haarmann


Thank you for your references regarding this killer. Since around June 2009 I have avidly researched this case: much of the text on this page was written by myself. I have a book named 'Monsters of Weimar', translated from German, which has an interesting section regarding this infamous murderer. Thank you for the links, too.

P.S. your English is remarkably good. The only languages I speak aside from English are Spanish, and a little Russian... :)

Thanks again for the references.--Kieronoldham (talk) 17:20, 10 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hello Againstentropie. :) I checked the link you gave me to the German Wikipedia Fritz Haarmann article: the 'Opfer' section would benefit from this table and I hope you do include the table on there. As previously mentioned, I have a book on this case and if there are any further areas you wish to expand on the German article on Fritz Haarmann, if I can provide you with references or answer any questions, please feel free to ask.--Kieronoldham (talk) 13:57, 11 December 2009 (UTC)Reply