Hi, I've noticed that you added the following to List of publications in economics

"International Journal of Green Economics" Editor Miriam Kennet. Is a new accademic journal specially for Green Economics. Please send papers for this journal.Web information for contributors is at https://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=158. Otherwise please visit the "Green Economics Institute."" http://www.greeneconomics.org.uk " for all details on contributions Otherwise please contact the Institute who will be pleased to link to other similar activists, campaigners, politicians, economists and people who want to make a difference as well as University Teaching and Research in Economics Departments. E mail address of the Insititute is greeneconomics@yahoo.com.We are particularly interested in making Green Economics a robust and strong economic discipline which will underpin a change in the way we perceive and conduct our economic life and the way activity is valued.

The list of publications is not a list of journals but a list of articles. Therefore, your addition is not in place. If you will be able to add a specific publication, it will be an important addition to the list. Thanks, APH 07:50, 31 Oct 2004 (UTC)