Dear Miss Mendes,

        My name is Odell Richardson Jr. I just finished watching Hitch for the 10th time. Just wanted to congratualate you on such a great performance. I'm a fan, and I'm also a new writer from Baltimore City,Maryland. I'm currently promoting my new book, The Long Way "Home": The Testimony. It's the true story of my life while coming up in Baltimore city. It's a very powerful story, designed to promote more peace throughout society; to create positive change. The story has diversity, it's extremely intense, and the message is deep and very important. i feel you could relate. I come from troubled beginnings, so I love to see beautiful, strong people such as yourself fight through and become great. You are certainly one of my favorite actresses. You really allow me to lose sight that I'm watching a film. You're very witty, beautiful, and true to your craft. Flawless! I'll be all over promoting my book this summer. I'm currently displaying some material on facebook. I have a show I just interviewed on called, The Y Factor, and a few YouTube videos of a radio interview and a booksigning event I did in the summer. I've also did a signing in Atlanta last year. The story is great, and sales are moving upwards. I'm close to realizing my dream to bring this to film in the future. I'm also working on a second part to the story. That will be available in early 2012. I recently revised my book and will be making that edition available this June. If interested in checking out the story, please visit,Barnes and,, and My email address is richardson, and my facebook email is It's tougher than I thought it would be to get this material to the right folks, but I'll continue to pray and work hard. I know this is not the major source of communications but I figured I would not just try to share this with you, but also get a chance to tell you how awesome and beautiful you are. And, this is not a new idea, you are on my list of great stars in the revised book. I wrote that in months ago. God Bless, and stay great! Odell richardson jr. (talk) 20:46, 14 May 2011 (UTC)Reply