Regarding your article about Ithuriel, that angel is also mentioned in "The Evil Guest" (1851) by J. Sheridan LeFanu. I don't know if Ithuriel was mentioned in the original, 1848 version of the story, "Some Account of the Latter Days of the Hon. Richard Marston of Dunoran," because I haven't read that version.

The sentence is "Had Ithuriel touched with his spear the beautiful young woman, thus for a moment, as it seemed, lost in a trance of gratitude and love, would that angelic form have stood the test unscathed?"

My copy of the story appears in J. S. LeFanu (sic) Ghost Stories and Mysteries, selected and edited by by E. F. [Everett Franklin] Bleiler, who also wrote the introduction that mentions the original version. It was published by Dover in 1975, ISBN 0486207153