Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia. As you may be aware, your recent edit on Mormon cosmology was reverted because the added content constituted vandalism and was not verified by a reliable source. While anyone is free to edit Wikipedia, with or without an official user account, all contributions must adhere to Wikipedia policies. That said, if you would be interested in creating an official account and offering constructive contributions to Wikipedia that are permissible in accordance with those policies, you are more than welcome to do so. Just so you are aware, if your edits that could be considered as vandalism continue, you may eventually be temporarily or permanently blocked from editing Wikipedia. If you have any questions for me on this matter, please feel free to post them here or on my talk page. Thanks for taking time to read this, and again, welcome to Wikipedia. --Jgstokes (talk) 01:42, 25 June 2018 (UTC)Reply