Please add to references a book by the First Lieutenant of USS Abercrombie DE-343

Stafford, Edward P. Little Ship, Big War: The Saga of DE343 Naval Institute Press, 2000 ISBN 1-55750-890-9.

This book is notable for its intense first person view of the operations of this ship and for its lively and evocative prose style.

USS Donnell edit

It should be noted that the Donnell was a member of the General Electric powered, steam turbo-electric, Buckley class, armed with thee 3-inch guns while Abercrombie was powered by Westinghouse steam geared turbines and armed with a pair of 5-inch guns and a member of the John C Butler class. Her damage was almost certainly caused by a "Zaunkoenig" (known to the Allies as GNAT - German Navy Acoustic Torpedo)that homed in on her propeller noise. A number of ships had their sterns blown off by this weapon, but after being saved, were judged not worth repairing and were hulked until they could be scrapped.