Zach Welsher

Topic: Narrowing down what “New Media” compared to “old media.” My objective of my research is to answer the following question, When did New media break through and how it differs from old media?

Research: According to google the definition of new media is, means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the Internet. I feel like google is reliable source and good base for further research.

---For wiki page I would word it as, The main factor in defining New Media is the role the internet  plays; New Media is effortlessly spread instantly

I think it would also be helpful for the reader to know what isn’t considered New media. There are a few things that are still relevant that may not be considered New Media. states old media as media before the existance of the internet including radio, TV, books, and cinema. By clarifying the border between the two the reader will get a better sense of the topic.

---For wiki page I would word it as, Although Television and Cinemas are still popular in today’s world they are not considered New media.

Personally I think I will be more helpful in formatting the page. I have experience from writing for the school newspaper in high school, I was the head editor on the sports page. I think I need to do a little more research and I also want to expand on another topic as well. I tried to think about how to get my message across best way possible. I think I am on the right track and hopefully it will fit in well.

“The main factor in defining New Media is the role the internet  plays; New Media is effortlessly spread instantly. Although Television and Cinemas are still popular in today’s world they are not considered New media. The category of New Media is occupied by devices connected to the Internet, an example being a smartphone or tablet.”

Short and straight forward is what I was aiming for. I am eager to get feedback and i think this would fit nicely in the History Section.