Some information about Zafar Habib Kudezai .His name is Zafar Habib Kudezai .His Father name is Malak Habib Ullah Khan Kudezai .He born in Loralia,Balochistan,Pakistan at 1965 .He is leader of his tribal Pashtoons in Loralai .He is former manager of National football Team of Pakistan and also former divisional director BISP Zhob and Quetta .Now he is a Assistent Voice Presedent (A.V.P) at ZTBL and founder of first and second All Pakistan Shaheed Nawabzada Riaz Jogezai Kakar memorial Football tournament in Balochistan .He got his earlier eduction in Loralai School and he is graduated withgovt degree college loralai .And for higher education he went to Karachi.He have good relation with Pashtoon Qaumi Jirga Governor Cheif of all Pashtoon Nawab Ayaz Khan Jogezai.