Yutty (born 1972) is a mostly white male currently residing in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States of America. He found some spelling errors on a Wikipedia page he was reading and decided to correct them. Now he has set up an account in case he decides to add anything of real substance.

As a child he frustrated his teachers because he tested very well but would not do his homework.

Altitude Sickness

For a time Yutty contemplated moving to Denver, Colorado, but stupidly managed to never do so.

In the fall of 2004 Yutty was a witness to the destructive power of Hurricane Ivan. He watched as it devastated Milton, Florida which is a small town outside of Pensacola, Florida.

He is currently currently working in the adult entertainment industry at the retail level. Yutty also prefers to use Slackware Linux on his laptop and desktop computers. It is rumored he has a weakness for chubby girls.

Phillipa Smith Of Brisbane, a chubby girl found this entry funny as of the 19th of February 2013

Kyle Warfield, a musician from Denver, Colorado found this entry somewhat synchronicstic on the 11th of March 2015. He made a song with his friend Hayden (who happens to look much like the man in the picture shown above); Hayden named the song Yutty for no particular reason and with no intended meaning. Thanks for adding some layer of significance. I hope you find your way to Denver one day, it is lovely here.