The Midlandian Language - Midenruns


The Midlandian Language (in Midlandian: Middenruns) is a constructed language which was written over the period of three years by J.J.G.. The Midlandian language has been officially completed on the 10th of October 2017 and as of today serves as the official language of The Holy Kingdom of Midland (in Midlandian: Salvais Midlandär Reiks).

The language itself does not belong to any known language groups yet it does bare similarities to the Latvian, German, Finnish and Latin languages. Grammatically speaking, the Midlandian language has a similar sentence structure to most known languages, which is SVO (subject verb object), yet it is not as harsh as in the German langauge, meaning, the verb is not automatically fixated in the 2nd place in the sentence and can be placed in various places given the situation.

Midlandian Pronouns


In Midlandian all pronounce except tas and toa all come with the to be verb and do not require it, similar to Russian. For several cases, including tas and toa one must use the to be (essem) verb, in which case after these two words the word er will be added. Furthermore, all Midlandian pronouns have the option to describe both male or female genders by adding different suffixes to them. For example tais can describe self-female form by adding the letter 'a' to the end of it - taisa... .


This is my cat. (Tas er men Kissa.).

That is you car. (Toa er tesais Auto.)

In Midlandian In English
Tias I am
Tes You are
vels, vils he is, she is
tas (er), toa (er) it is (this is, that is)
auli, aulä, aules, auläi they are
vies, viesä, viesi we are
evais, Evais you (plural), you (formal singular)

Category:Language Category:Linguistics Category:Constructed languages Category:Middenruns Category:Middenland Category:Midland