I haven't made any contributions to Wikipedia yet.

Foreign Language


I am incredibly interested in foreign language, but know more about the languages I like than I know how to speak them. Romance languages are my favorite, and Spanish and Italian are the only languages I know past basic phrases and words. I have a small grip on Japanese, and an even smaller grip on French and even less knowledge about Romanian, all of which are languages I want to become more familiar with. I also am interested in learning Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Polish. The romance Dalmatian language has also intrigued me, but it is extinct, so I can't learn it. Instead, I'm looking for more evidence for more evidence for Dalmatian grammar and vocabulary by finding more information on the Istriot language (but am so far not so successful in finding any).

I am also interested in the Ill Bethisad conlangs, my favorites being Brithenig and Wenedyk. I am not quite as interested in Ill Bethisad itself, though.