User:Yellowsunshine14/Medical cannabis

Article Draft


Mental health


Further information: Posttraumatic stress disorder § Cannabinoids

A 2019 systematic review found that there is a lack of evidence that cannabinoids are effective in treating depressive or anxiety disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, or psychosis.

Research indicates that cannabis, particularly CBD, may have anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. A study found that CBD significantly reduced anxiety during a simulated public speaking test for individuals with social anxiety disorder. However, the relationship between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms is complex, and while some users report relief, the overall evidence from observational studies and clinical trials remains inconclusive. Cannabis is often used by people to cope with anxiety, yet it is crucial to note that the efficacy and safety of cannabis for treating anxiety disorders need further investigation.

Cannabis use, especially at high doses, is associated with a higher risk of psychosis, particularly in individuals with a genetic predisposition to psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. Some studies have shown that cannabis can trigger a temporary psychotic episode, which may increase the risk of developing a psychotic disorder later.

The impact of cannabis on depression is less clear. Some studies suggest a potential increase in depression risk among adolescents who use cannabis, though findings are inconsistent across studies.



A study focusing on older adults with chronic pain found that medical cannabis users reported fewer problems with waking up at night compared to non-users. However, the effects on falling asleep were not significantly different. The study also suggested that frequent use of medical cannabis might lead to tolerance, affecting its sleep-inducing properties.

Research did not find significant differences in sleep duration between cannabis users and non-users. This suggests that while some individuals may perceive benefits from cannabis use in terms of sleep, it may not significantly change overall sleep patterns across the general population.

A review of literature indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of insomnia. CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, is of particular interest due to its potential to influence sleep without the psychoactive effects associated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).



I think that you have some great sources that are relevant and reliable. My only advice would be to maybe combine Anxiety and Depression as a subsection since they go hand and hand. Other than that I think you are doing good research!