Personal Life


Not to young, but not to old. The last time I checked, I was a girl. I also live in lovely California. Ohhdangg..there's my asl! So don't ask okay? The hospital says my adopters named me Meagan-Joi. Holyyy crap, that is a WEIRD name. Yeah, well, they've got other kids named Eliza-Gin, Matthew David, and Joel Christopher. I'm not the only one, m'kay?!

I was told that my real parents had given me away because my biological father was a drug addict and my mother couldn't afford having another child. Soooo..they gave me up. dammit. Oh well. I've met my real dad before, but I've never met my mom. All I know is that her name is Molly and that she left my dad after she found out someone adopted me.

But I'm growing I'm deciding to do better in :)



Don't judge me. i hate that.