Zafarullah Khan

Barrister Zafarullah Khan

Special Assistant to Prime Minister/Minister of State
Ministry of Law and Justice (Pakistan)
Personal details
Born (1961-03-11) March 11, 1961 (age 63)
Citizenship Pakistan
Residence(s)Islamabad, Pakistan

Zafarullah Khan

Zafarullah Khan(ظفرالله خان)[1] holds Barrister-at-Law from Lincoln’s Inn, London, United Kingdom (1998); Postgraduate Diploma in Bar Vocational Studies, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom (1997); Bachelor in Laws, City University, London, United Kingdom (1996); MSc, International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (1984); Bachelor of Arts, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan (1981); degree of Shahadat-ul-Aalmia-fe-Uloom-e-Islam from Wifaaq-ul-Madaris-ud-Diniayah; and certificates in Hadith and Fiqh from Madrassah Mazhea-ul-Uloom, Umer Kot, Sindh.[2] Zafarullah Khan has attended many specialist courses including: Negotiations on Financial Transactions, United Nations Institute of Training and Research (2004); Alternate Dispute Resolution, United Nations Institute of Training and Research (2004); International Labour Standards Course for Judges and Lawyers, at International Training Centre, Turin, Italy (2005); Private International Law, The Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands (2007); Globalization’, Oxford University, UK, (2011). [3]

He has many distinctions to his credit: Declared ‘Competent’ in Bar Vocational Examination, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom; First position in LLB, City University, London, United Kingdom; First position and Certificate of Merit in MSc, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad; Second position and Merit Certificate in Bachelor of Arts, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan; Second position and Silver Medal in Intermediate Examination, Board of Education, Multan; Fatima Jinnah Gold Medal for promotion of women rights by Ministry of Women Development, Pakistan (2004). Barrister Khan remained Lecturer, International Islamic University, Islamabad (Apr-85 to Oct 87). [4] ]



  1. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister/Minister of State (November 14, 2014 - to date)
  2. Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights (October 21, 2013 to November 13, 2014)
  3. Joined District Management Group of the Civil Service of Pakistan in 1987 and resigned in 2002;
  4. As a Civil Servant, served in Sindh and Punjab in various field and secretariat positions.
  5. Lecturer, International Islamic University, Islamabad (Apr 85-Oct 87)

Career as a Civil Servant


He joined the District Management Group of the Civil Services of Pakistan in 1987 and served in the Punjab and Sindh Provinces in various administrative and judicial capacities. He resigned from the Service in 2002 to work for Human Rights and Rule of Law. [5]

Political Career


Currently, Zafarullah Khan is serving as Special Assistant to Prime Minister / Minister of state for Ministry of Law and Justice.[6]He also served as Secretary to the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights from October 2013 to November 2014 and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister/Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, and Economic Affairs.[7] [8][9]

Career as Advocate


He remained a practicing lawyer from 2002 to 2013, specializing in Constitutional law, International Law and Human Rights. He has worked as legal and human rights consultant on women, children and labour issues with different UN organizations, INGOs and NGOs. He was the Team Leader in DFID funded ‘Pakistan Family Protection Project’, Ministry of Women Development, (2003-2004) and remained Legal Adviser, Ministry of Women Development, (2003-6) dealing with UN reports and drafting/advocating pro-women legislation i.e. honour-killing, domestic violence, human trafficking. He prepared 7-volume study of ‘Child Related Laws of Pakistan’ for UNICEF and National Commission for Child Welfare and Development, Government of Pakistan (2003-4). He carried out a study on Child Domestic Workers (2004); drafted ‘Pakistan Child Commission Act 2004’; reviewed Child Related Laws, Policies and Standards of Sindh/Pakistan (2004-6); and worked on child birth registration and child labor laws (2011). He implemented (with FPAP) a EU Project on ‘Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of Public Functionaries in Burn Cases’ (2004-5). He worked with ILO Pakistan (2004-2012) on elimination of bonded labour, prison labour practices, ILO Conventions 100 and 111, judicial remedies for bonded labour and prevention of harassment at workplace. He remained Legal Adviser of UN Habitat, Islamabad and prepared a book and manuals on land and property rights in Pakistan ((2011-13). He was part of civil society campaign for ratification of Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (2005-2010). [10][11]

Barrister Khan represented Pakistan before United Nations’ Committee on the Child in Geneva in 2003 and 2009. He was head of Pakistan delegation in 58th Session (March 2014) and 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (March 2015) New York. He was Guest Speaker in OXFAM regional conference on ‘Change-Maker for Domestic Violence, Colombo (March 2006). He presented papers on ‘International Child Abduction’ (2006) and ‘Community Payback Orders’ (2011) at International Judicial Conferences organized by Law and Justice Commission, Supreme Court of Pakistan. He has made presentations on innumerable international and national conferences on various themes of international relations, human rights and constitutional law.[12][13]

Teaching Career


He has taught Law, Human Rights and International Relations at International Islamic University, Islamabad, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Iqra University, Islamabad, Bahria University, Islamabad, Punjab University, Lahore, University of Lahore, at Masters and PhD levels and also taught at Civil Services Academy, Lahore, National Police Academy, Islamabad, and many other institutions of higher learning and training. Barrister Zafarullah Khan is interested in reading and writing. His interests include Law, Political Economy, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, Literature, Religions, and Sufism. He has authored many books and booklets on Law, Human Rights, Islam, Sufism and International Relations. His book ‘ Human Rights: Theory and Practice’ is a standard textbook prescribed by all the universities of Pakistan. His books have been published ILO, UN Habitat also. Some of his publications can be found at:[14][15]



  1. Represented Pakistan before United Nations’ Committee on the Child in Geneva as part of Pakistani delegation who presented and defended Second Periodic Report under CRC; September, 2003
  2. Resource person/speaker in SAARC Gender Right Conference, Islamabad; 2005
  3. Invited as a Guest Speaker in OXFAM regional conference on ‘Change-Maker for Domestic Violence; Colombo, 5-7 March 2006;
  4. Presented paper on ‘ International Child Abduction’ at International Judicial Conference organized by Supreme Court of Pakistan, 2006;
  5. Participated in Peoples SAARC, Colombo, 2008
  6. Represented Pakistan before United Nations’ Committee on the Child in Geneva as part of Pakistani delegation who presented and defended Second Periodic Report under CRC; September, 2009
  7. Presented paper on ‘ Community Payback Orders’ at International Judicial Conference organized by National Judicial and Justice Commission, Supreme Court of Pakistan, 2011;
  8. Represented Pakistan in 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in March 2014, New York
  9. Represented Pakistan in 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in March 2015, New York





  1. Maqamaat (Stages in Sufism) (Urdu) [16]
  2. ALLAHHUMMA (Book of Prayers)(Urdu)[17]
  3. Behtreen Insan (The Best Human Being) (Urdu)[18]
  4. Kitab ul Zuhd (The Book of Piety) (Urdu)[19]
  5. Human Rights: Theory and Practice [20]
  6. Kisi aur Zamanay ka Kawab (A Dream for a New World (Urdu) [21]
  7. The Way Out: Strategy for Survival and Development [22]
  8. Manual for Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of Public Functionaries in Burn Cases’ [23]
  9. Analysis of blasphemy laws in Pakistan[24]
  10. A Guide on Land and Property Rights in Pakistan [25]
  11. Abolition of Bonded Labour: Manual for bonded labourer[26]
  12. Abolition of Bonded Labour: Manual for Police[27]
  13. Abolition of Bonded Labour: Manual for bonded citizens[28]



  1. A New Thana Culture [29]
  2. Humanizing the Investigation
  3. Use of Force in International Law
  4. Making Diwani Procedure Sane
  5. Man, Society and World Order
  6. New World Trade Order
  7. Ordering the Disorder
  8. From Karl Marx to Gorbachev (Urdu)
  9. Islah-e-Ahwal: Reformation (Urdu)
  10. Islam and the West (Urdu)

