

Definition and History


Yakman is a fictional superhero.

Yakman was fabricated by a group of friends, Scott Dowding, Greg French, , Matt Marler, Sean Noel, and Scott Shaffer (sp?) (this list is in alphabetical order because all persons all listed deserve equal credit). In the sleepy, hazy-brained state that you're in from getting up WAAAY too early and while driving from the San Gabriel vally in southern California to San Diego, CA VERY early in the morning to go diving on the Yukon, Yakman was created.

Yakman is a Superhero of biblical proportions. He has all of the very best traits of all of the really cool superheros (i.e. Superman's flying and x-ray vision, Aquaman's swimming, etc). He ubiquitously uses his skills and equipment to fight the bad guys and help the needy and destitute in a valiant (and ALWAYS successful) effort to make the world a better place.

Tools and Weapoons

  • Utility G-String - YIKES (Thanks to one of the Scotts for this addition). The Utility G_String is similar to Batman's utility belt, but much cooler, not to mention flattering. The Utility G-String includes some very cool tools, such as
    • a "Yakkeling Hook" (thanks to Scott Dowding for this addition) - Similar to a grappeling hook, but better. Yakman only has to throw the Yakkeling hook in the general direction of what he wants to hit.
    • The "Yak-a-rang"
    • The Yakkie-Talkie
    • The Yak-light
    • Homing device
    • Homing device monitor (can also be worn attached to wrist)
    • NVG's (night vision goggles)
  • Rocket jungle boots (because they're more comfortable than regular combat boots)
  • Variable output, "Thunder" Horns
    • Thunder horns are similar to a bulls horns, but Yakmans horns can fire many different projectiles and energy weapons including
      • 50 Caliber, single shot (sniper mode)
      • 50 Caliber, full auto (hamburger mode)
      • Miniature version of the US Navy's Phalanx, as seen in action here. (pâté mode)
      • Laser
        • Stun
        • Death Beam
        • Armor cutting
      • Paint balls (for afternoon recreation)
      • Moth balls (no idea)


  • The Jackalope

Enemies and Foes

  • Arch Nemesis - Psycho Pelican

Theme song


I don't remember exactly, but I think one of the lyrics had something to do with PAM cooking spray.

Yakman GF (talk) 06:47, 13 April 2008 (UTC) Yakman_GF