King (Gaob) festival


More than hundreds of Damara people come to Okombahe in order to commemorate the death of the former Damara king, Dawid Goreseb[1] who died in 1976 and he was buried in Okombahe on the 6 November 1976[2]. The festival is built at the site of the grave. It is the festival were the Damara people of Namibia come together and learn more about their origins. Justus Garoëb is the current Damara king as he was appointed personally by the former king [Dawid Goreseb]. The festival is held once in a year to celebrate and embrace the Damara peoples tradition through:

  1. Music- Different types of Damara musician comes from all over Namibia. This includes mostly the welwitschia crew, example Stanley, Jericho, Raphael and Pele
  2. Dance- They also have different kinds of dances like: Tampoer, /Keis etc.
  3. Clothing- They were goat skin. The color of the festival is mostly Blue, White and Green
  4. Language-Speeches are given by the King in Khoe-Khoe gowab

The Damara people are lead by the Current king to the grave of the former king Dawid Goreseb by the current king Justus Garoëb were he talks to the Damara community. As the San people Damara people were the first inhabitants in Namibia.


  1. ^ Traditional leader in the history of Namibia,Retrieved 05 October 2012[1]
  2. ^ Damara celebrate annual Goab festival,Namibian, Retrieved 05 October[2]