Battlefront Reference Guide

Star Wars Battlefront II If you are interested in Star Wars Battlefront II but don't know how to play it, then read this guide to help you understand it. I've been working on this since Nov 2006 It's finally done on Sept 1, 2007. Enjoy.


1.Main Menu
 1A.Single Player Menu
 1B.Multiplayer Menu
2.Units in the Game
 2A.Unit Stats
3.The Game
  3BA.Award Weapons

1.Main Menu When you start Star Wars Battlefront II, your profile managment will appear. You may select it at any time on the Menu. You may either select a preiveously created profile, deleat one, or create a new profile.

Once you have done so, you may select CAMPAIN, GALACTIC CONQUEST, INSTANT ACTION or CARREER from the Single Player Menu.

1A.Single Player Menu CAMPAIN is what comes first on the Single Player Menu. It has TRAINING; for first timers', SPACE OVERVEIW; I'll tell you about it when I get a faster computer, NEW GAME; Join in on the Rise of The Empire and LOAD; loading a game that was saved. NOTE: You can only save Single Player Games on CAMPAIN.

GALACTIC CONQUEST is a game built around Battlefront. It's a game where you move fleets, buy bonuses and build troops. When an enemy lands on one of your planets or vice versa, a Battlefront Battle takes place on that planet. If you are being invaded, VICTORY means that you have repelled the attack. If you are invading, VICTORY means that you have conquered the planet. You gain money by defeating enemys. You can use the money to by bonusus or troops. You start off with the Soldier Class and Pilot Class. You may buy the Vanguard Class, Marksman Class, Engineer Class or the 2nd Degree and 1st Degree Class. (See 2. for reference).

INSTANT ACTION puts you on the Battlefront as soon as possible. You have your selection of 24 different places, including the Jedi Temple on CORUSCANT, The DEATH STAR, UTAPAU and even Leia's star cruiser, TANTIVE IV. You can choose all the statistics with the instant action settings. You can go all out on the Battlefront, or try to over throw the enemy Command Posts (CP's). Keep in mind that the CIS & Rebels go hand in hand, As well as Republic & Empire, Pollis Massa wise & CP wise.

CARRER shows how far you've gone in the game. The number points you've got in the existence of the profile, The number of kills, number of deaths, medals; See for reference. NOTE: If you get a medal in a game, you MUST continue with your game in order to get that medal. If you quit, you'll lose all the medals and points you've won in that game. It DOES NOT matter if you win or lose, just stay the course.

1B. Multiplayer Menu On the Main Menu, you have 4 choices: Single Player Menu, Multiplayer Menu, Options and Profile. If you want, you can flip over from Single Player to Multiplayer. Multiplayer only works if you have Internet. Allows you to play games with other online players. The CREATE Menu looks a lot like the INSTANT ACTION Menu.

1C.Options. You can adjust the setting for the games overall quality.

GAME lets you adjust the difficulty,(Normal and Elite) turn the Friendly Fire on or off, (The ability to harm teamates is Friendly Fire) Turn Enemy Icons on or off, (making it easier to spot enemies) Turn the Tool Tips on, off or auto, (Tool Tips help you get more familiar with the game) Turn the movie subtitles on (If you have stuttering in audio department, these are suggested) or adjust the reticule(ret-tic-cuel) Transparancy. 0-100(Set it to 0 if you want to have a reticule, or set it to 100 if you want to try without it. The reticule is the forked thing in the center of the screen. The dot in the center is where your shot is going to end up.)

VIDEO adjust the quality of the game

GENERAL OPTIONS let you adjust BRIGHTNESS(0-100),CONTRAST(0-100),VSYNC(On or off) and the OVERALL QUALITY(low,medium,high or custom)

CUSTOM OPTIONS only work if you selected CUSTOM on OVERALL QUALITY. Here you can adjust the Veiw Distance(0-100, 32 recommended), the LOD Distance(0-100, 38 recommended) and the Resolution(800-600 recommended). We also have Texture Detail(Low for slower computers), Water quality, Shadows, Lighting Details and Light Bloom on/off.

AUDIO is where you control the sound and effects and such. Master Volume, Music Volume, SFX Volume, Speech Volume and Battle Speech Volume are all excessable from AUDIO and are recommended to be set at 100%. The Output Mode, Bass Management, Mixer Configuration and Effects Options are also availiable at the AUDIO section.

The CONTROLS section is where you programm certain movements into certain keyboard buttons so that when you press said button in the game, said movement is executed. For example: You set "Roll" in the infantry section to the RIGHT ALT button. When you play the game and press RIGHT ALT while playing as infantry, you roll. There are so many functions but we can only list a few. Such as: JUMP, ROLL, SPRINT, PRIMARY FIRE BUTTON and SECONDARY FIRE BUTTON. There are 5 sections the the CONTROLS section: INFANTRY, VEHICLE, JEDI, STARFIGHTER and TURRET.

ONLINE doesn't offer much, but you need it to set Online Settings if you play Multiplayer (See 1B).

2.Units and the Game In the game, there are 4 teams. Depending on which era you chose(Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War) There are: The REPUBLIC, The CIS, The EMPIRE and The REBELS. The teams consist of four 3rd degree classes (Soldier, Vanguard, Marksman Engineer) one 2nd Degree and one 1st Degree. The 2nd Degrees are:Clone Commander, Magnaguard, Imperial Officer, Bothan Spy. The 1st Degrees are:Jet Trooper, Droideka, Dark Trooper, Wookiee Warrior. And please to note that if your unit jumps off something too high, it will damage it's HP when it lands. If the jump is to far your unit will automaticlly be destroyed. Like in Utapau

2A.Unit Statistics

REPUBLIC: Soldier Class Name: Clone Trooper Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators Ammo: 200 Infinant 4 Special Features: None

Vanguard Class Name: Heavy Trooper Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, Mines Ammo: 7 Infinant 2 3 Special Features:None

Marksman Class Name: Clone Sharpshooter Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, AutoTurret Ammo: 56 Infinant 2 1 Special Features: Double Zoom on the Sniper Rifle

Engineer Class Name: Clone Engineer Weapons: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter, Detpack, Health/Ammo Dispenser Ammo: 240 Infinant 3 5 Special Features: None

2nd Degree Class Name: Clone Commander Weapons: Chaingun, Commando Pistol, Rally(Defence Increse), Recon Droid Ammo: Infinant Infinant 1 1 Special Features: None

1st Degree Class Name: Jet Trooper Weapons: EMP Launcher, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators Ammo: 8 Infinant 4 Special Features: Can fly for short period of time

CIS: Soldier Class Name: Super Battle Droid Weapons: Wrist Blaster, Tri-Shot, Wrist Rocket Ammo: 250 Infinant 3 Special Features: None

Vanguard Class Name: Assault Droid Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, Mines Ammo: 7 Infinant 2 3 Special Features: None

Marksman Class Name: Assassin Droid Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, AutoTurret Ammo: 56 Infinant 2 1 Special Features: Double Zoom on the Sniper Rifle

Engineer Class Name: Engineer Droid Weapons: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter, Detpack, Health/Ammo Dispenser Ammo: 280 Infinant 3 5 Special Features: None

2nd Degree Class Name: Magnaguard Weapons: Bulldog RLR, Radiation Launcher, Neuro Poison, Recon Droid Ammo: 30 15 1 1 Special Features: None

1st Degree Class Name: Droideka Weapons: Repeating Blasters, Sheild Emitters Ammo: Infinant Infinant Special Features: While Sheild is up, impervious to any fire.

EMPIRE: Soldier Class Name: Stormtrooper Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators Ammo: 250 Infinant 4 Special Features: None

Vanguard Class Name: Shock Trooper Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, Mines Ammo: 7 Infinant 2 3 Special Features: None

Marksman Class name: Scout Trooper Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, AutoTurret Ammo: 56 Infinant 2 1 Special Features: Double Zoom on the Sniper Rifle

Engineer Class Name: Imperial Engineer Weapons: Shock Cannon, Fusion Cutter, Detpack, Health/Ammo Dispenser Ammo: 280 Infinant 3 5 Special Features: None

2nd Degree Class Name: Imperial Officer Weapons: Sonic Blaster, Mortor Launcher, Rage(Damage Increase), Recon Droid Ammo: 30 15 1 1 Special Features: None

1st Degree Class Name: Dark Trooper Weapons: Arc Caster, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators Ammo: 25 Infinant 4 Special Features: Can "jump" across the battlefeild

REBELS: Soldier Class Name: Rebel Soldier Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators Ammo: 300 Infinant 4 Special Features: None

Vanguard Class Name: Rebel Vanguard Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, Mines Ammo: 7 Infinant 2 3 Special Features: None

Marksman Class Name: Rebel Marksman Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Thermal Detonators, AutoTurret Ammo: 56 Infinant 2 1 Special Features: Double Zoom on the Sniper Rifle

Engineer Class Name: Rebel Smuggler Weapons: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter, Detpack, Health/Ammo Dispenser Ammo: 280 Infinant 3 5 Special Features: None

2nd Degree Class Name: Bothan Spy Weapons: Incinerator, Stealth, Time Bombs, Regeneration Ammo: 150 Infinant 3 1 Special Features: Can be invisible for short time

1st Degree Class Name: Wookiee Warrior Weapons: Bowcaster, Grenade Launcher, Thermal Detonators, Recon Droid Ammo: 240 15 4 1 Special Features: More Durable than typical infantry

2B.Heros Heros are a reward for playing hard. You can set the time or points in the INSTANT ACTION menu (See 1A)

Each Hero has a lightsaber instead of a health bar. The Lightsaber gradually retracts, but can be lengthened by killing enemies. Each Jedi has a: (* = takes up stamina)

Basic Attack
Force Attack(s)
Force Jumps*
Sprint Attack*
Airial Attack

Some even have Combo Sprint Attacks, but not many. Greivous, Luke & Yoda to be exact. And please to note that awards cannot be won in hero mode, for heros are rewards themselves. So here are the heros:

MACE WINDU: Standard Arrangement (Force Push, Lightsaber Throw) A black jedi with a purple lightsaber. Decapitating Combo attack, Nothing Special for Sprint Attack, but does murder on Airial Strike. Once killed a sheilded Droideka

DARTH MAUL: Standard Arrangement A freaky horned red and black thing with a double-saber. Killer combo attack, Interesting sprint attack, and impressive airial attack

THE EMPEROR: Lightning, Force Choke This Ruler of the Empire keeps his lightsaber hidden. He has moderate combo power, Can keep sprinting after sprint attack, and a MUCH more powerful version of Mace Windu's Airial Attack. I thew a rebel soldier across the Coruscant War Room.

LUKE SKYWALKER: Standard Arrangement The famous son of Darth Vader. Standard Combo attack, Turns enemies into sushi on Arial Attack, And a combo Sprint attack, very hard to come by though.

3.The Game The Battlefront itself, you're finally ready to go in, but you need to know all the priveledges and advantages you have, as follows:


1. Primary Weapons

Blaster Rifle: The Blaster Rifle is a repeating weapon that can be used to take town infantry.Press and hold the PRIMARY FIRE BUTTON and the Blaster Rifle shoots out a wave of rapid-fire bullets. 12 kills with a Blaster Rifle in 1 life gets you the Elite Rifle and Frenzy Medal Type: Offense

Blaster Pistol: Similar to Commando Pistol. Has infinant ammo, but can overheat and is not a repeating weapon.8 kills with the pistol in one life grants you the Precision Pisol and Gunslinger Medal Type: Offense

Rocket Launcher: Used for taking out turrets or vehicles. Not good infantry fire weapon except for undeployed Droideka 4 critical hits with a Rocket Launcher in one life grants you the Remote Rocket Launcher and a Demolition Medal Type: Offense

Sniper Rifle: Capable of taking out enemys from great distances. Most effective when shot at head. 6 headshots with a Sniper Rifle grants you the Beam Rifle and Marksman Medal Type: Offense

Shotgun: Used for taking out single enemies to groups of enemies. Fires 8 bullets at a time. Can take out most enemies in 2 shots 8 kills with the Shotgun in one life grants you the Flechette Shotgun and Regulator Medal Type: Offense

Fusion Cutter: Used for reparing Health & Ammo Droids, constructing Turrets and Slicing Enemies out of vehicles. Slicing into an ememy out a vehicle gets you a vehicle regeneration bonus and a Technican Medal. Type: Constructive

Chaingun: Takes a second and a half to warm up, but can kill a sheilded Droideka on a single charge. Type: Offensive

Comando Pistol: See Blaster Pistol

EMP Launcher: Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher combined. Type: Offense

Buldog RLR: A dealy hand head rocket launcher. Can exterminate Republicans in a single shot to the body.

Radiation Launcher: See Grenade Launcher.

Sonic Blaster: Similar to the Geonosian and LRKT1 Cannons on Geonosis (See 2C). Can take out enemys short distances away. No special medal. Type: Offense

Mortor Launcher: See Grenade Launcher. Type: Offense

Incinerator: No good for long distance, but can kill on close contact.

Stealth: Is capable of makeing Bothan invisible for short time.

Bowcaster: The weapon of the wookiees. whats more to say?

Grenade Launcher: A long tube thing that can shoot grenades. As soon as it hits the ground, it blows away any enemies within range.

Arc Caster: Can be charged up to greatly increase rage and firepower. Can like up to 4 nearby units. 25 ammo. Looks like Empire Blaster Rifle. Type: Offense

EMP Launcher: Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher combined. 8 ammo. Type: Offense

2. Secondary Weapons

Thermal Detonator: Every unit on the battlefront has at least 2 of these except for Engineers, 2nd Class Units, and Droidekas. You throw thermal detonators and when they land, they blow up the enemies in range.

Mines: Place them on the battlfront, and if enemies walk over them, them fly through the air and fall to the ground, dead.*You are credited with their murder, but if you switch teams, the mines you planted will be enemies and you could kill yourself and your team mates*.

Auto Turret: Very interesting. They sit in there position and fire at enemies, like vicinity mines. See *Mines* for full description

Detpack: These are something else. Plant them on the ground, and press the Right mouse button to set them off. You will need to monitor them, but at least you won't kill teamates/yourself.

Health/Ammo Dispenser: The best pick up, period. Your Engineer has 5 of these, and are Canisters of Health/Ammo like the enemies drop. Like I used to say, If you play your cards right, all you need is an ammo droid.

Recon Droid: You'll like this one, You can deploy these from 3 2nd degrees and Wookiees to scout the area, if your not sure of what's behind that corner or anything.

Rally, Rage, Regeneration: 2nd Degree Team Enhancers. Rally, Rage & Regen are all stuff you can gain as awards from medals. Rally increases your and allies within range's defence. Rage increases Regen works like the above ehancers, but regenrates health. Similar to an unlimited supply of Health Canisters. Limited time though.

Neuro Poison: Like throwing a lightsaber at an enemy just before you die. Only use this if your health is red. That way, you can kill all republicans in range over a period of 10 seconds.

Time Bomb: Counts down from 5 to exterminate any enemies with in an incredible range. Used by Pilots.

3B.Medals Please to note the fact that when you get 64 medals in any stat, the reward is permitant for that player. And Demolion is impossible.

Veteran = at least 4 Elite = at least Legendary = at least 64

Sergent: 20 medals Captain: 100 medals General: 300 medals

Gunslinger: 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in one life gets you the Presision Pistol Frenzy: 12 kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life gets you the Elite Rifle. Demolition: 4 Rocket Laucher critical hits on a vehicle in one life gets you a Remote Rocket Launcher Marksman: 6 Sniper headshots in one life gets you the Beam Rifle Regulator: 8 kills with the Shotgun gets you the Flechette Shotgun Technican: Slicing into a vehicle gets you a Vehicle Regen Bonus Endurance: 12 points in one life gets you a Energy Regen Bonus Guardian: An upgrade of Endurance. 24 points & a Damage Regen Bonus War Hero: An upgrade of Guardian. 36 & Increase Damage Bonus

3BA.Award Weapons When you have 64 medals in the same category, the award becomes perminant. Here are a list of things that can be acheived as perminant:

Elite Rifle: Slightly less ammo than Blaster Rifle, but can kill standard units with single shot. You will receive this as a FRENZY award (See 3B.)

Presion Pistol: Has ammo and beam trail. Does not overheat & can kill in 3 shots but needs reloading. You will receive this as a GUNSLINGER award

Remote Rocket Laucher: Is not impossible, but is very difficult. Hardest medal to acheive.

3C. Modes: Once you enter the battlefeild you'll have plenty of options. These are one of them. You get to choose between CONQUEST,1 FLAG CTF, 2 FLAG CTF, ASSAULT, HUNT and XL. Each one has a different objective:

3CA.Conquest Conquest is where you own only your primal CP, but move out to capture the white ones. Red CP's are controled by the enemy. White CP's are neutral, no one can spawn from it, and Blue CP's are under your teams control. The winners and losers are declared when: A: One team reaches 0 reinforcements B: When one team holds all the CP's for 20 seconds C: When the counter reaches 0, the team with the most CP's wins You have infinate lives in all modes, but each death is 1 reinforcement down da drain.

3CB.CTF CTF stands for Capture The Flag, and have different descriptions for the two types:

1 FLAG CTF means that there is a single yellow flag that can be controlled by either team. There are Red & Blue boxes on the maps representing the boundries of which you have to travel to score 1 for your team. In the instant action settings you can control how many points it takes to win the 1 flag CTF mission

2 FLAG CTF is where each team has a flag corresponding to their color. You cannot pick up a blue flag, and they can not pick up a red flag, but the other way around, sure.

They both basiclly work the same: Get the Flag to your base. And if the flag is not retreived within 15 seconds of being droped, it is reset

3CC.Assault Most used in space but can be used in Mos Eisley as hero assault

Space There are 2 Space Classes: Pilot & Marine The Pilot Class is equipt with a Commando Pistol, a Fusion Cutter and 3 Time Bombs The Pilot Class is also capable of repairing its ship while inside it. The Marine Class is equipt with A Blaster Pistol, A Blaster Rifle & 4 thermal Deto- nators. There are 4 systems you can destroy from the inside of the enemy hangar: Auto Turret Defese System, Life Support, Sheild and Engines Each one requires a certain number of Time Bombs. The rest you can destroy from space. Especially the Brigates. Be sure to use the Barrel Roll and Immeleman frequently, so programm them near keys that you'll remember and have quick acess too.

Mos Eisley Hero Assault is where all Heros and Villains get together and blow the crap out each other. Every Hero you will ever get, except Pilot Luke, will be there Only this time, it's to the death. You heros have health bars now, and no amount killing is going to make it better. You have to use droids and canisters now. First team to reach the numbers at the top of the screen wins.

3CD.Hunt Hunt is a very unique feature of the game. It's where you get to play as an alien (Ewok, Geonosian, Wampa, etc.) or as the given class to exterminate them. Such places on the map are: Endor Geonosis Hoth Kashyyyk Mos Eisley Naboo

Hoth, Kashyyyk & Mos Eisley are all unique locations: Hoth has ALL the Rebel Classes Kashyyyk you can play as a 2nd Degree Unit Mos Eisley can play as 2 aliens, Jawa or Tuskan

3CE.XL No reinforcements. No boundaries. No retreats. This is the most severe kind of battle, period. 350 all on the battlefeild, killing off anything that moves. Heck, you could even reanact the Geonosian War with this kind of brutallity.


CORUSCANT: The Jedi Temple of where Order 66 hit most severly. DAGOBAH: The Swamp where Yoda lives and Luke Crashed DEATH STAR: ENDOR: A forest on Endor where Ewok rome,speders speedo and AT-ST's kill FELUCIA: The Marshlands of a strange fungal forest planet GEONOSIS: The Yellow Plains Of Geonosis where the Clone Wars took place HOTH: The Tundra, of where the epic Hoth Battle broke out. JABBA'S PALACE: Where the infamous gangster Jabba the Hut feeds inoccents to his mighty rancor. Great for Frenzy's KAMINO: The Clone Facility Built upon endless seas KASHYYYK: The Beachhead of the mighty Wookiee race MOS EISLEY: The Spaceport of Wonders. Great for sniping. MUSTAFAR: The Lava Refinery where the epic battle between Anikan Vader & Obi Wan MYGEETO: A world torn by war & reduced to ash and debris NABOO: The Royal Planet of where the Trade Federation tried to attack, and started POLLIS MASSA: The Medical Facility on an asteroid when Luke & Leia were born The Clone Wars. SPACE MISSIONS: See Assault (3CC) TANTIVE IV: The First of many battles between The Republic & The Empire Utapau: The Sinkhole of the epic battle between Grievous & Kenobi YAVIN IV: The forest of the one peaceful planet has now been engulfed in war

3E.Vehicles Clone Wars

Light Vehicles:
 BARC Speeder
Medium Vehicles:
Heavy Vehicles:
 Droid Tank

Galactic Civil War

Light Vehicles:
 Speeder Bike
Medium Vehicles:
Heavy Vehicles:
 Alliance ATT1

3F.Tips for the Battlefront Droidekas: They can kill 10 in one life easy. Use thermal detonators on them then run away! Gammoreans: These are real SOB's. Shoot them in the head.