Hello all Wikians, you have discovered the user page of Wikigriff21. I am going to share some interesting things, whether it be food or other parts of life.

Hobbies include:

Cooking for myself and other people.

Playing soccer, defending is my strongest position, but I dabble in offense as well.

I skateboard whenever I can find some time and have enough energy. Like they say, "If you ride, you will fall" so I like to keep that in mind.

Others than sports, I can guess how many jelly beans are in a jar, even if its not correct.

I can type 300 words a minute, with only 250 errrors.

My credentials include being certified to shoot a high grade military missile and make a four cheese blend mac n' cheese at the same time.

Other parts of my life:

My neighbor that drives a Chevy, our pregnant basement cat, and poorly made Asian kung foo movies.