  • what is BLENDER? see more info BLENDER 3D
  • The purpose of this page for list the BLENDER GAME ENGINE (BGE) features request and ideas from blender artists forum .
  • if you are a coder please choice a sections form above list like tools 1, materials, physics etc. and post your proposals in the feature request forum then blender community will decide how donate you.
  • we collecting feature request in the feature request forum and then we put here this wiki page
  • you can choice a small part too form this sections list to like 3d decals, bugfix, etc.
  • if you are a beginner coder you will helped by blender advanced coders.



bug fixing

  • Fix the BIG bug in ZTransp when 2 objects with alpha lose the right "render sequence" depending on the angle of camera view...

common speedups:

  • fbo (frame buffer objects) useful speed up for video texture, brdf rendering, 2d filters, and 3d glsl shader
  • rasterizer improvement
  • logic brick improvement
  • more python functions

python functions

  • More access to mesh control like Delete and Create vertex, Edge, Faces
  • Integrate globals scripts without Logic Bricks link

water effect:

2d filters:(most 2d filters done with glsl via python but need use glsl 2d filter without slow python, something like turn on/off button, on gui and use c++)

shadows improvements:

tools 1:

tools 2:

  • bitmap font creator build in
  • tangent normal-map baking with anti-aliasing (AA)
  • create uv unwrap on all active or selected objects and show/editing in on time the uv editor
  • baking light-map for instanced mesh (dupligroup or duplicated linked mesh)
  • work tangent normal-map with mirrored uv (or with mirror modifier?)
  • unique uv map for instanced object
  • terminal feedback inside blender window
  • Bring back the red and green uv editor lines


  • support compressed dds textures to save huge memory (uncopressed is works)
  • TextureFace mode should work in GLSL
  • openGl anti-alising
  • glow glsl map
  • amb (ambient) at Map To panel works with glsl
  • Refl (reflect) at Map To panel with Cube Env map

glsl shaders without python and use material gui buttons and c++

new logic bricks:

  • fps logic brick or mouse look
  • constrain to path support (actuator? or use the constraint)
  • text object box multi line actuator? (left, center, right, align)
  • timer sensor (like delay sensor): count back, reset, start, pause
  • getIpoCurrentFrame value with python
  • Add Property button - need List type


  • gui system
  • particle system
  • network system
  • ai system
  • LOD system to terrain
  • Logarithmic Z-buffer
  • lod system (work in progress)
  • sound system (work in progress)
  • occluder sytem (done)
  • imporve and bugfix 3d stereo modes (pageflip, syncdouble, anaglyph etc)
  • blender player webplugin for all browsers


  • python access to collision points


  • up down button for all visual logic brick blocks without need closing
  • Implement a global and per-object event queue where both python and (internal) c++ functions can be registered as event handlers (trough a callback mechanism) that way the engine will be more dynamic, and libraries created in python will have a lot more power and will be easier to translate to c++ f they prove to be useful and/or need more speed.
  • pyartoolkit plugin by ashsid for all platforms-win-linux-mac