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Artist EurekaDB Playlist is a product made by James Communication. It is a intelligent playlist in which artists are organized based upon their musical style.

An Artists EurekaDB Playlist organizes personal music collections based upon the artists that are in the collection and is designed to provide the Eureka moment of inspired insight - into your own music collection using the ubiquitous iTunes. Because each music collection tends to be a unique group of artists, each Artists EurekaDB Playlist is also unique and custom made. Being a specialized iTunes playlist also means that the Artists EurekaDB Playlist itself can be synced and downloaded into an ipod, enabling an ipod user to experience the same Artists EurekaDB functional insightfulness found in an Artists EurekaDB Playlist organized desktop iTunes.

The Artists EurekaDB Playlist is the result of a sophisticated analysis of all the artists in a user's music collection. The analysis determines if a single artist is similar to any other artist in the music collection and then ranks those similar artists by their similarity to the original artist. This analytical process is then repeated for each of the artists in the song collection. After the analysis is completed, a custom Artists EurekaDB Playlist is created.

To further understand what an Artists EurekaDB Playlist is it is helpful to look at the organization of non-fiction items in a typical public library. Most public libraries use the Dewey Decimal System to organize their non-fiction material based upon a book's subject matter. For example, if interested in finding a book on gardening you would browse the stacks for books in the 633.XXX through 680.XXX range. If you were looking for a book on Bonsai plants you would look in the 635.XXX section. Once in the 635.XXX horticulture section you can browse other books to see if any other horticulture topic looks interesting. Now back to the topic at hand, organizing personal music libraries. As the Dewey Decimal System organizes non-fiction material based upon subject matter, the Artists EurekaDB Playlist similarly contains a sorted list of musical artists which has for each artist an organized list of artists who have a similar artistic expression. The only artists included in the analysis used to create a custom Artists EurekaDB Playlist are artists in the user's song collection.

In summary, using a Artists EurekaDB Playlist is an insightful way to explore a your existing song collection and for your friends to explore your own music collection. Artists EurekaDB Playlist is designed to find "new" artists in your song collection by virtue of creating groups of similar artists and providing the user with that Eureka moment when they realize that there are a variety of artists in the users' existing library that they might not have realized who are similar to the artist they initially wanted to listen to.