Hi everyone! This is WikiGeekDude here and I like science, math, history, social studies, physics, chemistry, and art. As you can see, I'm a geek. Sometimes I go and find some rocks and crystals with my friend Javier Garcia. My friend Javier thinks that there needs to be a scientific reason for EVERYTHING. For example, a girl walks over next to us and Javier says,"Why is she here?There needs to be a scientific reason why she is here." And I would say,"You don't need a scientific reason for everything, brah." and he would say,"Oh ok, but DO you know why she's here?" and I would reply,"No. Just ask her."

And he would reply,"No, I won't." By the way, he always brings in his rock collection to class. He just likes rocks. I mean like why does he care more about rocks than life? Anyways, that's the end of my story.