Hi to anyone reading this. I DO exist but am new to computers and trying to work how all of this works. I have made a couple of entries to correct issues which I know, from personal experience, to be wrong. I guess there are times when people just need to take the word of first-hand witnesses. If I have altered something of yours it is because I KNOW that it was wrong or misleading. I have only amended 2 pages so far; 'The Serpentine/Hyde Park' & 'The Rocky Horror Show'. I lived IN Hyde Park in the 1960' & 70's and researched its history with access to Royal Parks' & Kensington Palace archives (My father was in charge of the METROPOLITAN Police Station - NOT the Royal Parks Police). I was working at The Royal Court Theatre in 1973 and have personal knowledge of the Rocky Horror Show's early days. If I have altered something you have written then please bear with me while I try to understand how to contact contributors. But, sometimes, it extremely frustrating to see erroneous information, especially when the 'source' quoted is a newspaper article.