Hi i'm Brayden, i'm a very talented individual new to Wikipedia, I like to go by different identities, such as a raccoon. I have split personalities and i'm well-rounded in many, many topics or areas of study. Out of all the topics below, I specialize in Social Studies, more specific then that is history, geography, government, psychology and philosophy, I have also grown an interest for Physics & Astronomy. My best achievements so far have been creating a Social Studies Club at my school, getting a medal in archery, walking faster then someone my age running, categorizing my personalities by giving myself 4 names and creating my own book based on my philosophical ideals: The Mind of the Syndicate Dragon, not old enough to publish it yet. :)

Topics that I have advanced knowledge in.

-Big History

-Prehistoric History

-World History

-American History

-European History




-World Geography








-String Theory


-Environmental Science


-Human Biology

-Human Ecology


-Natural Disasters

-4th Dimension & above


-Non-Euclidean Geometry






-The Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse & Beyond

-The Internet