Hey Guys! My name is Wanda Brown and I enjoy being here at Wikipedia. My favorite thing about it, is the manual verification and fact-based knowledge that is ever present abroad. I Myself, as a deep analytical thinker and philosopher, have found wikipedia to be quite interesting so I decided to create an account and user page that I could introduce myself to the community and moderators and also give you guys a few of my interests so that we can further discuss various topics.

I believe in advancing the human race and also doing whatever is necessary to do that. Knowledge is a very important foundation of success and I think this website has the best information in the world and is completely unbiased which I personally believe is amazing. You guys have no idea how much it truly means to not just myself, but countless others!

I'm just glad to call myself a "wikipedian" and to share in advancing the human species forward in the direction of education and verification. If you agree with me then that is awesome! I'm glad you took the time to read this because I was tired of keeping it built up inside me and I also just wanted to show my thanks and appreciation to all the wikipedia users and moderators that keep this place information and educational.

Thanks again for everything you guys do here and I can't wait to discuss further some strategic decisions!

If you want to get to know more about me or also if you're ever curious about how to reach me then please send me a message and let me know. Thank you