Wam Kat with Laptop 2001.

Wam Kat (born mid 50'ties) is a Dutch political activist and author who now lives in Germany and serves in the city government of Belzig.



Wam was told by a doctor when he was 18 that he had a year to live and made a conscious choice to live a whole life in a single year, when he did not die, he did not slow down. Wam co-founded the European youth environmental network EYFA (European Youth Forest Action) in 1986 to address the affect of acid rain on the regional forests. Wam was instrumental in the rapid growth of the organization and was the principal organizer of the summer festival/university called Ecotopia which was first held in Sittard NL and moved every subsequent year to a different country. Wam also developed the "Eco Rate" system which EYFA and other progressive organizations used to equalize access to events and goods by. The Eco rates used a non-market currency conversation system, so that participants from poorer countries would have more favorable rates of exchange than participants from rich countries.

Wam was also one of the founders of the Dutch mobile vegetarian kitchen, "Rampenplan" which supports political activists at extended actions by providing food and other services (1981).

Wam is best know for his work during the war in former Yugoslavia and the "Zagreb Diaries" which he penned at the time, initially as the equivalent of a blog, but ultimately they came out in book form and were translated into several languages. Wam was instrumental in securing funding for the Suncokret (Sunflower) refugee camps in Croatia which were the only large scale non-governmental efforts to deal with the massive war driven refugee problem.

Wam later went on to found the Pakrac reconstruction project in the Slovonian border region of Croatia and Serbia. This project used local people from both sides of the regional conflict and international (principally youth) volunteers to rebuild housing which had been destroyed.

Wam has been arrested for crimes of conscious in multiple countries.

After leaving Croatia Wam moved to ZEGG intentional community outside of Berlin in the Belzig area where he lived and worked for a number of years. Currently Wam is serving also serving as chairman of the "Die Linke" (PDS) fraction in the local towncouncil of Belzig.



Kat was married to Ulla Trademark and had two children with her Rik and Pjort.


Category:1956 births Category:Living people