My hometown in Ekiti
Preparation of delicacy

My hometown in Ekiti
Hi, my name is Bolaji a.k.a. Bj, i'm currently into system administration networks at the Polytechnic Of Namibia and i'll be having a little discussion about my hometown. My hometown is a thousands of kilometers away from Namibia. More precisely, it is situated in a West African state, southwest Nigeria. It's state is called 'EKITI' also known as 'Fountain of Knowledge'. It boasts of tropical rain forests filled with life and colorful enviroment. The rain frequently falls leaving fresh natural fragnances that fills the air and producing a rather rich mineral soil for plantation and habitation of organism to dwell. Air itself is purified by the numerous green plants, trees and organisms that converts CO2 into breathable oxygen in the absense of factories and plants to pollute both the enviroment and air. It is naturally endowed with numerous natural resources which includes granite, kaolin, columbite, channockete, iron ore, baryte, aquamine, gemstone, phosphate, limestone, bitumen among others(A.A).

The mountains are situated in strategic positions around the village. My grandmother once told me that in the past, it was a great advantage against enemies in wars and for scouting a large terrain area for grazing purposes. She told me, asides from the protection, she and her friends usually play games at the mountains. Such innocent and blissful memory! It has two rivers which are the village main source of water and food as fishes are caught using nets or traditionally made baskets specially woven for fishes. Its resource is also used for farming activities.
Its agricultural resources like yam and cassava(root food like potatoe but whitish in color), rice, maize, kolanuts and varieties of fruits are also cultivated for commercial purposes. It also has itself noted for forest resources, timber as its main resource. Its major food is pounded yam with egusi here for cuisine images

Preparation of delicacy
The pounded yam is prepared by cooking the yam, after sliced, and placing it in a large mortal and pestle for pounding. It is then pounded till its soft and fluffy, has little or free from lumps and wrapped in leaves to maintain freshness. It can also be place in a plastic bag and kept in a cooler to maintain its temperature for a while or served straight from the mortal. Then the soup is prepared before, after or during the pounding process. Its main constituent are vegetables, 'Egusi'(melon seed), dried fish, goat meat, pepper, palm oil, locust beans amongst many others. It is served with the pounded yam and eaten while still hot(best served and enjoyed this way). Optionally, it can be enjoyed with palm-wine(natural alcholic drink tapped from palm trees).
Well, there are a lot of things that makes my village have its own unique features apart from the above listed attributes. Surely, another culture from the numerous african dialects depicting an elite class in existence. Born and bred in the city, i seldom visit home to know my roots and visit family relatives. I'm yet to fully speak the language but i've a good auditory understanding of the language.

^ Adesina Adetola(A.A)- EKITI KETE: THE VALUE, THE VIRTUE AND THE VISION. ISBN-978-978-086-696-9 ©2008. Retrieved 30th September, 2010.