Wal Nunes

File:Wal Nunes
Yoga Integral Brazil

=== Biography

Wal Nunes was born in São Romão Minas Gerais, in 23 of march,1982. Since her childhood she learned values of respect, education, determination and love to life. Guided by her desire of changing and warrior spirit, she travelled overseas in search of new challenges and new horizon. She moved to London when she was 18, and there she has her first contact with Yoga. It was love at first class. After a long time in England she decided to rise even more her knowledge in India, where she improved her techniques in Hatha Yoga and also learned a lot about Budhism philosophy and Hinduism. After her staying in India, she went to Australia where she became a Yoga Teacher and could get deep into East Philosophy studies and developing her body conscious in asanas to get a healthy life To keep learning she went to Thailand, where she had fully comprehension of what the subtle energy, there she learned Thai Yoga Massage and Reflexology. Every place she passed, Wal Nunes always searched for a change, to become a better human being, a new look for life. All her experiences in life, transformed her in a person fully complete and ready to overcome the challenges of life. Back in Brazil, she brought to her work all her experience of life, brought to her classes a different way of teaching, not yet known in national area. Through our ancestors she learned techniques that helps human beings all over the world to get a better life. Wal Nunes work has a personal touch which is according to each people´s needs, to become possible its own personal transformation. Even more, her main goal is to awake on people their own feeling of well being and inner peace, for those who really need it, Wal Nunes develops a social work with companies to help adults and children to know themselves better and find their places on society. At the end nobody better than her to know that when is related to the benefits of Yoga there is no barriers and boundaries.