I was involved in the development of Fortasyn Connect (a nutritional cocktail). There were several academic and non academic scientists, to various degrees, engaged in that development. I'm one of those academics. I'm not paid and have not been paid by Nutricia (the company which uses Fortasyn Connect as active component of Souvenaid) or any other commercial entity for this work. I'm employed by a university. I'm also not paid or have been paid for my contributions to Wikipedia by anyone. This summarizes my actual or potentially perceived COI.

My motivation to contribute to Wikipedia is that in my opinion all information provided by Wikipedia needs to be, foremost to all other aspects, correct. Incorrect information should be replaced by correct one, or if that is not possible, it should be deleted. Because I'm not an expert on 100.000 different things, I limit my contribution to items on which I have the very and complete knowledge that I can contribute.