Swaziland Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM). This is a militant Socialist Movement fighting for the return of Multiparty Constitutional Democracy in Swaziland against the autocratic rule of King Mswati 111.

The SPLM was founded in 2016 by its founder and President Vusi Shongwe a former Treason Trialist who now lives in exile in South Africa. The SPLM also know as "inkhululeko yeBantfu" - Freedom of the People, was launched in a government sabotaged event on 8th July 2017 in Manzini, Swaziland.

The SPLM subscribes to the Social Democracy agenda and has a continental outlook with a strong Pan Africanist agenda. The SPLM uses Marxist -Leninist ideologies as its tools for analysis.the SPLM also uses four pillars of struggle in its activities to achieve its objectives. These are Mass Mobilization, International Solidarity, Underground Work and Combat.

Since its launch in July 2017, the SPLM has been on a robust drive to register its presence in the Swaziland political landscape doing this through grassroots social mobilization, press releases, a weekly bulletin on social media called 'SPLM this Week' and through a picket it held at the Swaziland High Commission offices in Pretoria on 26 October 2017 to deliver a Memorandum of Demands.

The SPLM has a founding Manifesto which is its strategic document and guide to the new Swaziland. The Manifesto has 12 strategic pillars which include; Economic Emanancipation, Political Emancipation,the Executive, the Legislatue, the Justice -Judiciary & Constitutional Development, Education & Training, Health Care, Cultural and Heritage Exchanges, Youth - the Arts - Sports & Recreation,Media & Information Technology,Agriculture; and International Relations and Cooperation.

In the spirit of a new start, renewal and a new udentity for the country, the SPLM believes that the country in the democratic despenation shall have to undergo some major national psychological and image rebuilding which include the changing of the country's name from the colonial "SWAZI - LAND" to an indegionous name that shall be agree to byvthe majority in the country through a consultative process. This shall also include changing the Currency name (Lilangeni - which refers to the surname of the currently ruling aristocracy), the country's Flag,the Court of Arms, Nationsl Orders and Honours, the National Anthem, the Armed Forces's regalia and their names and all other National Symbols and Landmarks to fit to the new era that shall dawn to our country.