Vraj Bharambe was born on 3 February 2001 In Baroda,India. He started doing Parkour when he was 14. He came to know about parkour by the one of the most famous Android video game named vector. By playing this game he became curious to know whether this can done be done in real life too! Then he searched on Google and found that it was written that " vector is best Parkour inspired game". He searched "Parkour" on YouTube and he was amazed. Then from very next day he was going for training Parkour in parks. Within a week he had learnt the most amazing and useful Parkour trick that's shoulder roll. When his friend saw him jumping from roof of one floor building and that too without hurting and land amazingly. He too started practicing with Vraj. Vraj saw the video of David Belle (founder of Parkour) on YouTube and inspired a lot . The most inspiring movement in Vraj's life was that when he was training fall from 1 storage building and could not even able to stand then his friend said that "nothing had happened to you. So great many people fall but only champion stands on his feet again,so get-up now!". After this Vraj stands again with new confidence and he he started hard practicing Parkour and now he is Parkour stunts and escapes are too amazing.